- Title
- Real Property - Sale of Apartment Facilities - Rights of Qualified Organizations
- Sponsored by
- Senator A. Washington
- Status
- In the Senate - Hearing 2/28 at 1:00 p.m.
- Analysis
- Fiscal and Policy Note
Prohibiting an owner of an apartment facility from taking certain actions regarding the sale of the apartment facility unless the owner complies with the requirements of the Act; providing that certain provisions of the Act may not be construed to establish the Department of Housing and Community Development as party or agent to the sale of an apartment facility; establishing procedures by which qualified organizations are given a right of first refusal in certain sales of apartment facilities; etc.
Committee Testimony
Introduced in a prior session as: HB0952 Session: 2021 Regular Session
Bill File Type: Regular
Effective Date(s): October 1, 2023
Bill imposes a mandated appropriation in the annual State Budget Bill
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10-801, 10-801 through 10-807, 10-802 )
6-226 )
Last Updated: 6/9/2023 3:15 PM
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