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Abandoned Vehicles

Legislation Sponsorship Type Sort Chamber Sort
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0293 (SB1168)
State Boat Act - Abandoned or Sunken Recreational Vessels - Identification and Removal
Delegate Arentz
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Department of Natural Resources - Issuance of Salvage Title for Abandoned or Sunken Vessels - Authorization
Delegate Long, R.
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB1461 (SB0674/CH0560)
Abandoned or Sunken Vessels and Waterway Improvement Fund Grants
Delegate Allen
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Baltimore County - Abandoned Vehicles
Senator Klausmeier
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0674 /CH0560 (HB1461)
Abandoned or Sunken Vessels and Waterway Improvement Fund Grants
Senator Elfreth
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB1168 (HB0293)
State Boat Act – Abandoned or Sunken Recreational Vessels – Identification and Removal
Senator Hershey
2 2
Title Sponsor Sponsorship Type Sort Chamber Sort Current Status Org Committees & Hearings Opp Committees & Hearings
HB0293 (SB1168) State Boat Act - Abandoned or Sunken Recreational Vessels - Identification and Removal Delegate Arentz 2 2 In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor
Environment and Transportation
2/14/2024 - 1:15 PM
HB0936 Department of Natural Resources - Issuance of Salvage Title for Abandoned or Sunken Vessels - Authorization Delegate Long, R. 2 2 In the House - Hearing 2/28 at 1:00 p.m.
Environment and Transportation
2/28/2024 - 1:00 PM
HB1461 (SB0674/CH0560) Abandoned or Sunken Vessels and Waterway Improvement Fund Grants Delegate Allen 2 2 In the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations
Rules and Executive Nominations
SB0184 Baltimore County - Abandoned Vehicles Senator Klausmeier 2 2 In the Senate - Withdrawn by Sponsor
Judicial Proceedings
SB0674 /CH0560 (HB1461) Abandoned or Sunken Vessels and Waterway Improvement Fund Grants Senator Elfreth 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 560
Education, Energy, and the Environment
2/20/2024 - 1:00 PM
Environment and Transportation
4/03/2024 - 1:00 PM
SB1168 (HB0293) State Boat Act – Abandoned or Sunken Recreational Vessels – Identification and Removal Senator Hershey 2 2 In the Senate - First Reading Senate Rules
Denotes enacted legislation
Last Updated: 5/15/2024 2:33 PM
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