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Statutes Text

Article - IV - Judiciary Department


    (a)    (1)    Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, any former judge, except a former judge of the Orphans’ Court, may be assigned by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Maryland, upon approval of a majority of the court, to sit temporarily in any court of this State, except an Orphans’ Court, as provided by law.

        (2)    (i)    A retired judge of the Circuit Court for Montgomery County that sits as the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County may be assigned by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Maryland, upon approval of a majority of the Supreme Court of Maryland, to do an act that a judge of the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County is authorized to perform.

            (ii)    A retired judge of the Circuit Court for Harford County that sits as the Orphans’ Court for Harford County may be assigned by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Maryland, upon approval of a majority of the Supreme Court of Maryland, to do an act that a judge of the Orphans’ Court for Harford County is authorized to perform.

    (b)    The provisions of this section apply, notwithstanding provisions appearing elsewhere in this Article pertaining to retirement of judges upon attaining age 70.

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