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Article - IV - Judiciary Department


    (a)    There is a Commission on Judicial Disabilities composed of eleven persons appointed by the Governor of Maryland, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

    (b)    The members of the Commission shall be citizens and residents of this State.

    (c)    (1)    Three members of the Commission shall be appointed from among the judges of the State, with one member representing the appellate courts, one member representing the Circuit Courts, and one member representing the District Court.

        (2)    Three members shall be appointed from among those persons who are admitted to practice law in the State, who have been so engaged for at least seven years, and who are not judges of any court.

        (3)    Five members shall represent the public, who may not be active or retired judges, who are not admitted to practice law in this State, and who may not have a financial relationship with or receive compensation from a judge or a person admitted to practice law in this State.

        (4)    The composition of the Commission should reflect the race, gender, and geographic diversity of the population of the State.

    (d)    The term of office of each member is four years commencing on January 1 following the expiration of the member’s predecessor’s term. A member may not serve more than two four–year terms, or for more than a total of ten years if appointed to fill a vacancy.

    (e)    A member’s membership automatically terminates:

        (1)    When any member of the Commission appointed from among judges in the State ceases to be a judge;

        (2)    When any member appointed from among those admitted to practice law becomes a judge;

        (3)    When any member representing the public becomes a judge or is admitted to the practice of law in this State or has a financial relationship with or receives compensation from a judge or a person admitted to practice law in this State; or

        (4)    When any member ceases to be a resident of the State.

    (f)    Any vacancies on the Commission shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Governor in the same manner as for making of appointments to the Commission and subject to the same qualifications which were applicable to the person causing the vacancy.

    (g)    A member of the Commission may not receive any compensation for the member’s services as such but shall be allowed any expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of the member’s duties as such member.

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