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Statutes Text

Article - IV - Judiciary Department


    Except for the Judges of the District Court, the Judges of the several Courts other than the Supreme Court of Maryland or any intermediate courts of appeal shall, subject to the provisions of Section 5 of this Article of the Constitution, be elected in Baltimore City and in each county, by the qualified voters of the city and of each county, respectively, all of the said Judges to be elected at the general election to be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, as now provided for in the Constitution. Each of the said Judges shall hold the office for the term of fifteen years from the time of the election, and until the Judge’s successor is elected and qualified, or until the Judge shall have attained the age of seventy years, whichever may first happen, and be reeligible thereto until the Judge shall have attained the age of seventy years, and not after. In case of the inability of any of said Judges to discharge the Judge’s duties with efficiency, by reason of continued sickness, or of physical or mental infirmity, it shall be in the power of the General Assembly, two–thirds of the members of each House concurring, with the approval of the Governor to retire said Judge from office.

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