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Article - Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis


    (a)    If the Board approves an application from a contract purchaser, an owner of the location, or a developer under § 13–1404 of this title, the applicant may apply to transfer the license to an operator of the type of business for which the license was approved if:

        (1)    the license is for a location in the site for which the license was approved; and

        (2)    the application for transfer occurs within 5 years after the original application for the site is approved or construction at the location is completed, whichever is later.

    (b)    Unless otherwise prohibited by law, the Board may approve a change of location of a license issued under § 13–1404 of this title if:

        (1)    the license holder has engaged in an active alcoholic beverages business under the license for at least 1 year before applying for the change; or

        (2)    (i)    the license holder has not engaged in an active alcoholic beverages business under the license; and

            (ii)    the Board approved a change of location of the license from another location within the same county election district at least 5 years before the application for the change of location under this item.

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