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Statutes Text

Article - Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis


    (a)    The following sections of Title 4, Subtitle 11 (“Additional License Privileges”) of Division I of this article apply in the county without exception or variation:

        (1)    § 4–1102 (“Corkage — Consuming wine not purchased from license holder on licensed premises”); and

        (2)    § 4–1103 (“Removal of partially consumed bottle of wine from licensed premises”).

    (b)    The following sections of Title 4, Subtitle 11 (“Additional License Privileges”) of Division I of this article apply in the county:

        (1)    § 4–1104 (“Refillable container permit — Draft beer”), subject to § 31–1102 of this subtitle;

        (2)    § 4–1105 (“Refillable container permit –– Wine”), subject to § 31–1102.1 of this subtitle; and

        (3)    § 4–1106 (“Nonrefillable container permit –– Draft beer”), subject to § 31–1102.2 of this subtitle.

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