Statutes Text
Article - Agriculture
(a) (1) The University of Maryland Extension shall create a “Maryland Native Plants” webpage on the University of Maryland Extension’s website.
(2) The “Maryland Native Plants” webpage shall include:
(i) The Commercial Maryland Native Plant List developed under § 10–404 of this subtitle;
(ii) The lists of certified Maryland Native Plant Growers and certified Maryland Native Plant Retailers developed under § 10–405 of this subtitle; and
(iii) General information on native plants.
(b) The Department shall promote the Program and include on the Department of Agriculture’s “Maryland’s Best” website:
(1) The Commercial Maryland Native Plant List developed under § 10–404 of this subtitle;
(2) The lists of certified Maryland Native Plant Growers and certified Maryland Native Plant Retailers developed under § 10–405 of this subtitle; and
(3) General information about native plants.
(c) A link to the “Maryland Native Plants” webpage shall be posted on the Department of Natural Resources’ native plants website.
(d) For fiscal year 2025 and each fiscal year thereafter, the Governor shall include in the annual budget bill an appropriation of $150,000 for the University of Maryland Extension to hire one extension agent as a Native Plant Specialist and $100,000 for the Department to hire staff to administer the Program.