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Statutes Text

Article - Agriculture


    (a)    The Secretary is responsible for the budget of his office and for the budgets of positions and units within the Department.

    (b)    The Secretary may adopt rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this article. He is responsible for adopting and reviewing rules and regulations for the Department.

    (c)    The Secretary may create any advisory unit of any size he deems appropriate. At least one member of the Maryland Agricultural Commission shall be included on each advisory unit.

    (d)    The office of Secretary shall have a seal to authenticate copies of records or papers of the Department.

    (e)    The Secretary is responsible for coordination and direction of comprehensive planning facilities initiated by his office. In addition, he shall keep himself fully appraised of plans, proposals, and projects of each position and unit within the Department, and may approve, disapprove, or modify any of them.

    (f)    In addition to the meetings of any unit within the Department provided for by law or called by the chairman of the unit, the Secretary may call a meeting of any unit for the consideration of any subject which he considers necessary and proper, whenever he deems it appropriate.

    (g)    Every position or unit within the Department shall report to the Secretary as provided in written directives adopted by the Secretary.

    (h)    The Secretary may exercise or perform any power, duty, responsibility, or function which any position or unit within the Department may exercise or perform, except those vested by law in the Maryland Agricultural Commission. The Secretary has general supervision, direction, and control of the provisions of this article and generally of all matters in any way affecting or relating to the fostering, protection, and development of the agricultural interests of the State.

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