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Statutes Text

Article - Agriculture

§8–706.    IN EFFECT

    // EFFECTIVE UNTIL JUNE 30, 2031 PER CHAPTER 645 OF 2021 //

    (a)    To maximize participation in the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, in fiscal years 2023 through 2031, inclusive, a landowner who enrolls land planted with a forested streamside buffer shall receive a one–time signing bonus of up to $1,000 per acre of land enrolled.

    (b)    Signing bonuses provided under this section shall be funded with:

        (1)    Money appropriated under subsection (c) of this section; and

        (2)    The amount specified in § 9–1605.2(i)(11)(i) of the Environment Article.

    (c)    (1)    For fiscal years 2024 through 2031, in each year the Governor shall appropriate $2,500,000 in the annual State budget to fund tree planting under this section and other tree planting programs on agricultural land.

        (2)    Money appropriated under this subsection is supplemental to and may not take the place of funding that would otherwise be appropriated for tree plantings under this section and other tree planting programs on agricultural land.

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