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Statutes Text

Article - Business Regulation


    (a)    A charitable organization that solicits or intends to solicit charitable contributions after it submits a registration statement to the Secretary of State shall submit an annual report in accordance with this section.

    (b)    A charitable organization shall submit an annual report to the Secretary of State:

        (1)    within 6 months after the end of the charitable organization’s fiscal year; or

        (2)    by any later date that the Secretary of State sets.

    (c)    The annual report shall contain:

        (1)    any change to the registration statement and to a previous annual report;

        (2)    the financial information and any supporting audit or review that the Secretary of State requires; and

        (3)    an affidavit signed by the chairman, president, or other principal officer attesting to the truth of the annual report and all supporting documents.

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