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Article - Courts and Judicial Proceedings


    (a)    Subject to the requirements of this section, a jury judge or, if a county’s jury plan allows, its jury commissioner may disqualify, excuse, or exempt an individual who is summoned for jury service or reschedule jury service.

    (b)    An individual may be disqualified only on the basis of information provided on a juror questionnaire or during an interview or other competent evidence.

    (c)    (1)    To be excused, an individual shall show, on a juror questionnaire, during an interview, or by other competent evidence, that extreme inconvenience, public necessity, or undue hardship requires excusal.

        (2)    An individual may be excused:

            (i)    Only for the period that the jury judge or jury commissioner considers necessary; and

            (ii)    Not more than twice unless the jury judge finds that the individual has shown an extraordinary circumstance that requires an additional excuse.

        (3)    When the period set under this subsection expires, a jury commissioner again shall summon the individual for jury service.

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