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Article - Criminal Procedure

§11–813.    IN EFFECT

    (a)    The Board may make an emergency award to the claimant before making a final decision in the case, if the Board determines, before taking action on the claim, that:

        (1)    an award likely will be made on the claim; and

        (2)    the claimant will suffer undue hardship unless immediate payment is made.

    (b)    (1)    The amount of an emergency award under this section:

            (i)    may not exceed $5,000; and

            (ii)    shall be deducted from any final award made to the claimant.

        (2)    Except as provided in paragraph (3) of this subsection, a claimant shall repay the Board:

            (i)    the excess of the amount of the emergency award over any final award; or

            (ii)    if a final award is not made, all of the emergency award.

        (3)    On written request by a claimant, for a compelling reason the Board may waive the requirement that a claimant repay an emergency award under paragraph (2) of this subsection.

§11–813.    ** TAKES EFFECT JULY 1, 2025 PER CHAPTER 705 OF 2024 **

    (a)    The Board may make an emergency award to the claimant before making a final decision in the case, if the Board determines, before taking action on the claim, that:

        (1)    an award likely will be made on the claim; and

        (2)    the claimant will suffer undue hardship unless immediate payment is made.

    (b)    The amount of an emergency award under this section:

        (1)    may not exceed $10,000; and

        (2)    shall be deducted from any final award made to the claimant.

    (c)    Unless the Board finds by clear and convincing evidence that the application is without merit, the Board shall make emergency awards for:

        (1)    funeral expenses;

        (2)    crime scene cleanup; and

        (3)    emergency relocation.

    (d)    The Board shall make available publicly on its website a form or online application portal for victims to apply for emergency awards.

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