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Article - Criminal Procedure


    (a)    In this section, “primary law enforcement officer” means:

        (1)    the chief of police, if any, or the chief’s designee, in a municipal corporation;

        (2)    the chief of police or the chief’s designee in a county with a county police department;

        (3)    the sheriff or the sheriff’s designee in a county without a police department;

        (4)    the Police Commissioner or the Police Commissioner’s designee in Baltimore City;

        (5)    the Secretary of Natural Resources or the Secretary’s designee on any property owned, leased, operated by, or under the control of the Department of Natural Resources;

        (6)    the chief of police of the Maryland Transportation Authority or chief’s designee on property owned, leased, operated by, or under the control of the Maryland Aviation Administration, the Maryland Port Administration, or the Maryland Transportation Authority; or

        (7)    the Secretary of State Police.

    (b)    A police officer may arrest a person throughout the State without limitations as to jurisdiction if:

        (1)    a warrant has been issued against the person;

        (2)    the police officer is participating in a joint operation created by an agreement between the primary law enforcement officers;

        (3)    the arrest occurs within one of the participating jurisdictions in accordance with the agreement; and

        (4)    the police officer is acting in accordance with regulations that the police officer’s employing unit adopts to carry out this section.

    (c)    A police officer who acts under the authority granted by this section:

        (1)    has all the immunities from liability and exemptions as a State Police officer in addition to any other immunities and exemptions to which the police officer is otherwise entitled; and

        (2)    remains at all times and for all purposes an employee of the employing unit.

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