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Article - Education


    (a)    It is the goal of the State that at least 55% of Maryland’s adults age 25 to 64 will hold at least an associate’s degree by the year 2025.

    (b)    It is the goal of the State that all degree–seeking students enrolled in a public community college earn an associate’s degree before leaving the community college or transferring to a public senior higher education institution.

    (c)    Institutions of higher education should utilize educational resources to provide the greatest possible benefit to the citizens of the State and to foster economic development.

    (d)    In each region of the State, institutions of higher education should cooperate to ensure an effective and efficient education system.

    (e)    In developing missions and programs, the Maryland Higher Education Commission and each governing board and its constituent institutions shall consider the role, mission, and function of other public senior higher education institutions, particularly those institutions offering unique programs and services in the same geographical region.

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