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Statutes Text

Article - Education


    (a)    Except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, a senatorial scholarship may be used only at any community college or undergraduate, graduate, or professional school in the State.

    (b)    A senatorial scholarship may be used:

        (1)    If the curriculum is approved by the Commission, at a degree granting institution of higher education, a hospital diploma school for training registered nurses, or to attend a private postsecondary proprietary institution that is accredited by a national accrediting association approved by the United States Department of Education as a full–time student; and

        (2)    For educational expenses as defined by the Office, including:

            (i)    Tuition and mandatory fees; and

            (ii)    Room and board.

    (c)    If on–campus housing is available, a senatorial scholarship may not be used to pay for off–campus housing.

    (d)    Each Senator may award not more than 10% of the funds available under this subtitle to applicants planning to attend accredited undergraduate, graduate, or professional institutions outside the State, provided the applicant:

        (1)    Will be studying in an academic area that is not offered in a program that is accredited by a national accrediting association approved by the United States Department of Education in any institution in the State;

        (2)    Is a hearing impaired person who will be studying at an institution outside the State that makes special provisions for hearing impaired students, and comparable special provisions are not available to the applicant at an institution in the State; or

        (3)    Is an individual who is on active duty with the United States military who is domiciled in this State.

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