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Article - Education


    (a)    The boards of library trustees of at least three public library systems outside the standard metropolitan statistical areas defined by the United States Bureau of the Census may request the State Library Board to establish and maintain a regional resource center.

    (b)    Each regional resource center shall provide, through mutual cooperation and coordination, books, information, and other material and service resources that an individual library cannot provide adequately by itself.

    (c)    (1)    A region to be served by a regional resource center shall have a population of at least 100,000.

        (2)    Subject to approval by the State Library Board, the boards of library trustees of the participating library systems shall designate the library to serve as the resource center.

    (d)    (1)    There is a board of advisors for each regional resource center that shall act as the Regional Advisory Council.

        (2)    The Council consists of:

            (i)    The director of the regional resource center; and

            (ii)    The director of each member library system.

        (3)    The Council for each regional resource center shall:

            (i)    Gather information on the resource needs of its region; and

            (ii)    Promote the use of the regional resource center.

    (e)    (1)    The director of the regional resource center is the executive officer of the regional resource center.

        (2)    The director:

            (i)    Is appointed by the governing board established in accordance with § 23–202.1 of this subtitle; and

            (ii)    Shall serve at the pleasure of the governing board.

        (3)    The director shall:

            (i)    Be eligible for certification as a professional library director by the State Superintendent of Schools as set forth in COMAR;

            (ii)    Have the powers and duties set forth in this title; and

            (iii)    Appoint, promote, fix salaries, assign duties, and terminate personnel of the regional resource center.

    (f)    (1)    The director shall operate the regional resource center in accordance with:

            (i)    The standards adopted by the State Library Board; and

            (ii)    The policies adopted by the governing board.

        (2)    The director shall:

            (i)    Prepare and submit for the approval of the governing board the annual budget of the regional resource center;

            (ii)    Adopt and submit for the approval of the governing board reasonable rules and bylaws to carry out this section; and

            (iii)    Recommend to the governing board the purchase, condemnation, rental, use, sale, or conveyance of property for any valid purpose under this section.

    (g)    (1)    The policies and procedures of the regional resource center shall be:

            (i)    Recommended by the board of trustees of the library designated as the regional resource center; and

            (ii)    Approved by the Council.

        (2)    The policies and procedures for operation of the regional resource center shall be consistent with the State standards for libraries.

    (h)    Each regional resource center shall:

        (1)    Make interlibrary loans of books and materials;

        (2)    Supply collections and exhibits of specialized materials;

        (3)    Provide consultant services;

        (4)    Organize in–service training for library staffs; and

        (5)    Develop and operate cooperative services among libraries.

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