Statutes Text
Article - Education
(a) The Baltimore County Board of Education consists of:
(1) Seven nonpartisan elected members;
(2) Four appointed members; and
(3) One student member.
(b) (1) Of the 11 elected and appointed members of the county board:
(i) One member shall be elected from each of the seven councilmanic districts in the county, established by the County Council of Baltimore County, by the voters of that district; and
(ii) Four members shall be appointed by the Governor from the county at large.
(2) (i) The seven elected members shall be elected at a general election in gubernatorial election years in accordance with § 3–2B–02 of this subtitle.
(ii) The four appointed members shall be appointed by the Governor in presidential election years from a list of nominees submitted by the Baltimore County School Board Nominating Commission as provided in § 3–2B–03 of this subtitle:
1. On the expiration of the term of an incumbent appointed member within 30 days after the general election; or
2. Within the 30–day period otherwise required under this subtitle.
(3) (i) A member from a school board district shall be at least 21 years old, a resident of that district for at least 2 years, and a registered voter of the county before the election.
(ii) A member from a district who does not maintain residency in that district may not continue as a member of the county board and the office shall be deemed vacant.
(iii) If the boundary line of a district is changed, the term of an incumbent member of the county board who no longer resides in the district because of the change is not affected during this term.
(4) (i) A member may not be elected or appointed to serve on the county board for more than three consecutive terms.
(ii) A member who has served three consecutive 4–year terms may not be elected or appointed to the county board until at least 4 years have elapsed since the end of the member’s last term on the county board.
(5) During an election year:
(i) The Governor may not appoint as a member of the county board an individual who files a certificate of candidacy for election to the county board; and
(ii) An individual who files a certificate of candidacy for election to the county board may not seek appointment to the county board by the Governor through nomination by the Baltimore County School Board Nominating Commission.
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