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Article - Education


    (a)    On or before December 1, 2017, the Department shall, in consultation with disability advocacy groups, update the Emergency Planning Guidelines for Local School Systems and Schools to accommodate, safeguard, and evacuate students, staff, and visitors with disabilities on public school grounds in accordance with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act.

    (b)    On or before July 1, 2018, each local school system shall update the local school system’s emergency plan to comply with the update of the Department’s guidelines and regulations under subsection (a) of this section.

    (c)    If a student with an IEP requires specific accommodations for evacuation in an emergency, the student’s IEP shall include accommodations for the student during an emergency.

    (d)    If a student with a 504 plan requires specific accommodations for evacuation in an emergency, the student’s 504 team shall discuss and address the student’s needs as necessary.

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