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Article - Education


    (a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.

        (2)    “Fund” means the State–Aided Institutions Field Trip Fund.

        (3)    “Program” means the State–Aided Institutions Field Trip Grant Program.

    (b)    There is a State–Aided Institutions Field Trip Grant Program in the Department.

    (c)    The purpose of the Program is to provide grants to public schools to provide transportation to students for field trips to educational institutions that are qualified as State–aided educational institutions under Title 5, Subtitle 5 of this article.

    (d)    The Department shall:

        (1)    Administer the Program;

        (2)    Establish application procedures for the Program; and

        (3)    Award grants from the Program.

    (e)    (1)    Subject to the availability of money in the Fund, a public school may apply for a grant under the Program for expenses paid or incurred, or that will be paid or incurred, to provide transportation to students for field trips to educational institutions that are qualified as State–aided educational institutions under Title 5, Subtitle 5 of this article.

        (2)    When making grants, the Department shall prioritize public schools at which at least 40% of the registered students are eligible for the federal free or reduced price meal program.

    (f)    (1)    There is a State–Aided Institutions Field Trip Fund.

        (2)    The Department shall administer the Fund.

        (3)    (i)    The Fund is a special, nonlapsing fund that is not subject to § 7–302 of the State Finance and Procurement Article.

            (ii)    The State Treasurer shall hold the Fund separately, and the Comptroller shall account for the Fund.

        (4)    The Fund consists of:

            (i)    Money received by the Fund from fines for vehicle security lapses under § 17–106 of the Transportation Article; and

            (ii)    Any other money from any other source accepted for the benefit of the Fund.

        (5)    The Fund may be used only for:

            (i)    Providing grants under the Program; and

            (ii)    Administrative costs of the Program.

        (6)    (i)    The State Treasurer shall invest the money of the Fund in the same manner as other State money may be invested.

            (ii)    Any interest earnings of the Fund shall be credited to the General Fund of the State.

    (g)    The Department shall adopt regulations to carry out this section.

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