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Article - Election Law


    (a)    (1)    Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, an individual may become registered to vote if the individual:

            (i)    is a citizen of the United States;

            (ii)    is at least 16 years old;

            (iii)    is a resident of the State as of the day the individual seeks to register; and

            (iv)    registers pursuant to this title.

        (2)    Notwithstanding paragraph (1)(ii) of this subsection, an individual under the age of 18 years:

            (i)    may vote in a primary election in which candidates are nominated for a general or special election that will occur when the individual is at least 18 years old; and

            (ii)    may not vote in any other election.

    (b)    An individual is not qualified to be a registered voter if the individual:

        (1)    has been convicted of a felony and is currently serving a court–ordered sentence of imprisonment for the conviction;

        (2)    is under guardianship for mental disability and a court of competent jurisdiction has specifically found by clear and convincing evidence that the individual cannot communicate, with or without accommodations, a desire to participate in the voting process; or

        (3)    has been convicted of buying or selling votes.

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