Statutes Text
Article - Environment
(a) The Department may not adopt any rule or regulation under this title unless the requirements of this section and the Administrative Procedure Act are met.
(b) (1) Before adopting any rule or regulation under this title, the Department shall announce and hold a public hearing on the subject.
(2) A public hearing required under this subtitle may be held using teleconference or Internet–based conferencing technology.
(c) (1) At least 30 days before the public hearing, the Department shall publish notice of the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the area concerned or on the Department’s website.
(2) The notice required under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall state:
(i) The date, time, and place of the hearing; and
(ii) The purpose of the hearing.
(d) The Department shall publish annually a notice in a newspaper of general circulation to inform the public of:
(1) The types of public notices required under this title that are available on the Department’s website; and
(2) A phone number or electronic mail address at the Department that a person can contact to arrange for the receipt of future public notices required under this title by first–class mail or electronic mail.
(e) After the public hearing, the Department may adopt the rule or regulation with or without modification.
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