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Article - Estates and Trusts


    (a)    On petition, and after any notice or hearing prescribed by law or the Maryland Rules, the court may appoint a guardian of the property of a minor or a disabled person.

    (b)    A guardian shall be appointed if the court determines that:

        (1)    A minor owns or is entitled to property that requires management or protection; or

        (2)    Funds are needed for the minor’s support, care, welfare, and education and protection is necessary or desirable to obtain or provide funds.

    (c)    A guardian shall be appointed if the court determines that:

        (1)    The person is unable to manage effectively the person’s property and affairs because of physical or mental disability, disease, habitual drunkenness, addiction to drugs, imprisonment, compulsory hospitalization, detention by a foreign power, or disappearance; and

        (2)    The person has or may be entitled to property or benefits which require proper management.

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