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Statutes Text

Article - Family Law


    (a)    The clerk for the county in which a marriage ceremony is to be performed may issue and deliver a license at the time the application is made.

    (b)    A license may be issued only at the office of the clerk during regular office hours.

    (c)    (1)    If either party to be married is known to be 17 years old, before issuing the license, the clerk shall obtain the required consent or the licensed physician’s certificate and the certified copy of an order granting authorization for a minor to marry before issuing the license.

        (2)    (i)    The clerk’s record required under this title shall include:

                1.    A.    the consent required by § 2–301 of this title, if written; or

                B.    the fact that consent was given, if given and made in person; and

                2.    a photocopy of the certified copy of the order granting authorization for a minor to marry required under § 2–301 of this title.

            (ii)    The licensed physician’s certificate required by § 2–301 of this title may not be made a part of the clerk’s record.

        (3)    After an individual has been issued a license in accordance with the provisions of this subtitle, the clerk who issued the license shall seal the licensed physician’s certificate. Except on order of the court, the licensed physician’s certificate shall remain sealed.

    (d)    (1)    Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, a license is not effective until 6 a.m. on the second calendar day after the license is issued.

        (2)    For good cause shown, a judge of the circuit court for the county in which the application is made may sign an authorization for a license to become effective at a time before the waiting period expires, as stated in the authorization, if 1 of the parties to be married is:

            (i)    a resident of this State; or

            (ii)    a member of the United States armed forces.

    (e)    If, during the questioning of an applicant for a license, the clerk finds that there is a legal reason why the applicants should not be married, the clerk shall withhold the license unless ordered by the court to issue the license.

    (f)    A license may be delivered personally or by mail to:

        (1)    either of the parties to be married; or

        (2)    any person authorized in writing by either of the parties to accept delivery.

    (g)    (1)    The Maryland Department of Health shall provide to each clerk:

            (i)    birth control information; and

            (ii)    a list of the family planning clinics located in the county where the license is issued.

        (2)    When the clerk issues a license, the clerk shall make the information and list available to each applicant for a license.

    (h)    (1)    A clerk may not predate an application for a license.

        (2)    A clerk who violates any provision of this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject:

            (i)    for a first offense, to a fine not exceeding $100; and

            (ii)    for each subsequent offense, to a fine not exceeding $500 or imprisonment not exceeding 90 days or both.

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