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Article - Family Law


    (a)    In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.

    (b)    “Administration” means:

        (1)    the Social Services Administration of the Department; or

        (2)    any other unit within the Department to which the Secretary of Human Services has delegated in writing specified responsibilities of the Administration under this subtitle.

    (c)    “Foster care” means continuous 24–hour care and supportive services provided for a minor child placed by a child placement agency in an approved family home.

    (d)    “Group care” means continuous 24–hour care and supportive services provided for a minor child placed in a licensed group facility.

    (e)    “Kinship care” means continuous 24–hour care and supportive services provided for a minor child placed by a child placement agency in the home of a kinship parent or kinship caregiver, as those terms are defined in § 5–534 of this subtitle.

    (f)    (1)    “License” means a license issued by the Administration under this subtitle.

        (2)    “License” includes:

            (i)    a child placement agency license;

            (ii)    a child care institution license; and

            (iii)    a residential educational facility license.

    (g)    “Local board” means a local citizen board of review for children in out–of–home care.

    (h)    “Out–of–home care” means:

        (1)    out–of–home placement; and

        (2)    the monitoring of and services provided to a child in aftercare following a child’s out–of–home placement.

    (i)    “Out–of–home placement” means placement of a child into foster care, kinship care, group care, or residential treatment care.

    (j)    “Residential educational facility” means:

        (1)    a facility that:

            (i)    provides special education and related services for students with disabilities;

            (ii)    holds a certificate of approval issued by the State Board of Education; and

            (iii)    provides continuous 24–hour care and supportive services to children in a residential setting; or

        (2)    one of the following schools:

            (i)    the Benedictine School;

            (ii)    the Linwood School;

            (iii)    the Maryland School for the Blind; or

            (iv)    the Maryland School for the Deaf.

    (k)    “Residential treatment care” means continuous 24–hour care and supportive services for a minor child placed in a facility that provides formal programs of basic care, social work, and health care services.

    (l)    “State Board” means the State Citizens Review Board for Children.

    (m)    “Voluntary placement agreement” means a binding, written agreement that:

        (1)    is voluntarily entered into between a local department and:

            (i)    the parent or legal guardian of a minor child; or

            (ii)    a former CINA whose commitment to the local department was rescinded after the individual reached the age of 18 years but before the individual reached the age of 20 years and 6 months; and

        (2)    specifies, at a minimum:

            (i)    the legal status of the child or former CINA; and

            (ii)    the rights and obligations of the parent or legal guardian, the child or former CINA, and the local department while the child or former CINA is in placement.

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