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Article - Family Law


    (a)    (1)    On written request, made under penalty of perjury, of both parties to a marriage, the clerk for the county that issued the marriage license shall issue a new marriage record in accordance with this section if the clerk received satisfactory proof that a court of competent jurisdiction, regardless of location, has issued an order for a change of name for a party to the marriage.

        (2)    On the presentation of a death certificate for a party to a marriage, the clerk for the county that issued the marriage license shall accept a request made under paragraph (1) of this subsection from the other party to the marriage.

        (3)    On the presentation of an order of the court instructing a marriage record to be changed, the clerk for the county that issued the marriage license shall accept a request under paragraph (1) of this subsection without a written request of both parties.

    (b)    (1)    A new marriage record issued under this section shall:

            (i)    if the original marriage record designates the gender of the parties, including by using the terms “bride”, “groom”, “wife”, or “husband”, designate the parties using gender–neutral language; and

            (ii)    if the name of a party to the marriage has been changed at any time, reflect the name that was most recently established and for which a certified order of change of name or other appropriate evidence has been submitted to the clerk.

        (2)    A new marriage record issued under subsection (a) of this section may not:

            (i)    be marked “amended”; or

            (ii)    show on its face that a change has been made to:

                1.    a name of a party; or

                2.    if applicable, a gender designation.

    (c)    (1)    If a new marriage record is issued, the clerk shall:

            (i)    substitute the new electronic marriage record for the existing marriage record then on file; and

            (ii)    report and transmit a copy of the new marriage record to the Secretary of Health in accordance with § 2–503 of this title.

        (2)    After a marriage record is changed under this section, any certified copy of the marriage record that is issued shall be a copy of the new marriage record, unless a court of competent jurisdiction orders the issuance of a copy of the original marriage record.

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