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Article - Family Law


    A married woman may do any of the following, as if she were unmarried:

        (1)    engage in a business;

        (2)    make a contract with any person, including her husband, whether or not she is engaged in business;

        (3)    bind herself and her assigns by a covenant running with or related to real property or chattels real deeded to her on or after March 19, 1867;

        (4)    form a partnership with any person, including her husband;

        (5)    sue on any contract, including a contract made with her husband;

        (6)    sue for the recovery, security, or protection of her property;

        (7)    sue for any tort committed against her; and

        (8)    appoint counsel to represent her in an action brought under § 4–205(b) or (c) of this subtitle or § 4–301(b) of this title.

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