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Article - Family Law


    On the filing of a petition for authorization to marry, a court shall:

        (1)    appoint a lawyer with family law experience to represent the petitioner;

        (2)    set an evidentiary hearing on the petition;

        (3)    provide the minor with the following:

            (i)    information on the rights and responsibilities of:

                1.    a minor granted authorization to marry under this subtitle, including the right to divorce; and

                2.    parties to a marriage;

            (ii)    referral information for legal aid agencies;

            (iii)    information on State and national hotlines for child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking; and

            (iv)    information related to impacts and outcomes of child marriage in the United States; and

        (4)    notify each living parent, guardian, or legal custodian whom the court is able to locate of their right to support or oppose the petition.

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