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Article - Family Law


    (a)    In this section, “order” includes any action that, under the laws of another jurisdiction, has the force and effect of a comparable judicial order under this subtitle.

    (b)    In accordance with the United States Constitution, this State shall accord full faith and credit to:

        (1)    an order of another state as to adoption or guardianship in compliance with the other state’s laws; and

        (2)    termination of parental rights in compliance with the other state’s laws.

    (c)    As to a jurisdiction other than a state:

        (1)    an order for adoption or guardianship entered in compliance with the jurisdiction’s laws shall have the same legal effect as an order for adoption or guardianship entered in this State; and

        (2)    termination of parental rights in compliance with the jurisdiction’s laws shall have the same legal effect as termination of parental rights in this State.

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