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Article - General Provisions


    (a)    (1)    A regulated lobbyist shall file electronically with the Ethics Commission, under oath and for each registration, a separate report concerning the regulated lobbyist’s lobbying activities:

            (i)    by May 31 of each year, to cover the period from November 1 of the previous year through April 30 of the current year; and

            (ii)    by November 30 of each year, to cover the period from May 1 through October 31 of that year.

        (2)    If the regulated lobbyist is not an individual, an authorized officer or agent of the regulated lobbyist shall sign the report.

        (3)    If a prorated amount is reported as compensation, it shall be labeled as prorated.

    (b)    A report required by this section shall include:

        (1)    a complete, current statement of the information required under § 5–704(b) of this subtitle;

        (2)    total expenditures in connection with influencing executive action or legislative action in each of the following categories:

            (i)    total individual regulated lobbyist compensation, excluding expenses reported under this paragraph;

            (ii)    office expenses of the regulated lobbyist;

            (iii)    professional and technical research and assistance;

            (iv)    publications that expressly encourage communication with one or more officials or employees;

            (v)    witnesses, including the name of each and the fees and expenses paid to each;

            (vi)    except as otherwise reported under this paragraph, meals and beverages for officials, employees, or members of the immediate families of officials or employees;

            (vii)    except as provided in § 5–709(d)(2) of this subtitle, food, beverages, and incidental expenses for officials of the Legislative Branch for meals and receptions to which all members of any legislative unit were invited;

            (viii)    food and beverages for members of the General Assembly at the times and geographic locations of meetings of legislative organizations, as allowed under § 5–505(c)(2)(i)4 of this title;

            (ix)    food, lodging, and scheduled entertainment for officials and employees at meetings at which the officials and employees were scheduled speakers or scheduled panel participants;

            (x)    tickets and free admission extended to members of the General Assembly, as a courtesy or ceremony to the office, to attend charitable, cultural, or political events sponsored or conducted by the reporting entity, as allowed under § 5–505(c)(2)(viii) of this title;

            (xi)    other gifts to or for officials, employees, or members of the immediate families of officials or employees; and

            (xii)    other expenses; and

        (3)    as to expenditures reported in item (2)(vii), (viii), (ix), and (x) of this subsection, the date, location, and total expense of the regulated lobbyist for each meal, reception, event, or meeting.

    (c)    (1)    Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, a report required under this section also shall include the name of each official, employee, or member of the immediate family of an official or employee who has benefited from one or more gifts with a cumulative value of $75 during the reporting period from the regulated lobbyist, regardless of whether the gift:

            (i)    is attributable to more than one entity; or

            (ii)    was given in connection with lobbying activity.

        (2)    The following gifts need not be allocated to individual recipients and reported by name:

            (i)    gifts reported under subsection (b)(2)(vii) and (viii) of this section;

            (ii)    gifts reported under subsection (b)(2)(ix) of this section with a value of $200 or less; and

            (iii)    gifts reported under subsection (b)(2)(x) of this section, unless the recipient received from the regulated lobbyist during the reporting period two or more such gifts with a cumulative value of at least $100.

    (d)    (1)    This subsection applies only to a regulated lobbyist, other than an individual, that is organized and operated for the primary purpose of attempting to influence legislative action or executive action.

        (2)    In addition to the other reports required under this section, a regulated lobbyist shall report the name and permanent address of each entity that provided at least 5% of the regulated lobbyist’s total receipts during the preceding 12 months.

        (3)    For the purpose of the reporting and registration requirements of this subtitle, receipts of a regulated lobbyist include funds spent on the regulated lobbyist’s behalf, at its direction, or in its name.

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