Statutes Text
Article - Health - General
(a) In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.
(b) “Alternative accreditation” means a national camping standard that is acceptable to the Secretary as providing adequate health and safety protection for the campers, such as the American Camping Association standards for camp programs and services and the Boy Scouts of America standards, which includes an annual monitoring process to verify compliance with the standard.
(c) “Camper” means any child under 18 years of age who is attending a youth camp.
(d) “Certificate” means a single certificate issued by the Department to a youth camp under this subtitle.
(e) “Council” means the Youth Camp Safety Advisory Council.
(f) “Day” means all or part of a 24-hour period.
(g) “Day camp” means a youth camp that:
(1) Is operated for all or part of the day but less than 24 hours a day;
(2) Is conducted for at least 7 days during a 3–week period; and
(3) Provides 3 or more recreational activities or any 1 specialized activity including:
(i) Aquatic programs;
(ii) Horseback riding;
(iii) Firearms control;
(iv) Riflery;
(v) Archery;
(vi) Adventure camps;
(vii) Artistic gymnastics;
(viii) Hang gliding;
(ix) Road cycling;
(x) Skiing;
(xi) Rock climbing;
(xii) Spelunking;
(xiii) Motorized vehicle activities;
(xiv) Rappelling; and
(xv) High ropes.
(h) “Occasional use” means periodic involvement in a program where there is no expectation of regular attendance.
(i) “Operate” means to supervise, control, conduct, or manage a youth camp as:
(1) An owner;
(2) An agent of the owner;
(3) A lessee of the owner;
(4) A director; or
(5) An independent contractor.
(j) “Residential camp” means a youth camp operating at a facility or campsite at which a camper either lives apart or intends to live apart from the camper’s relatives, parents, or legal guardians for at least 5 consecutive days.
(k) “Routine activity” means any type of activity other than a specialized activity as set forth in subsection (g)(3) of this section that is conducted for children by a youth camp.
(l) “Travel camp” means a residential camp that:
(1) Operates for at least 5 consecutive days; and
(2) Provides for campers to use motorized transportation to move as a group to or among sites for experiences in different environments.
(m) “Trip camp” means a residential camp:
(1) That operates for at least 5 consecutive days; and
(2) In which a group of individuals move from 1 site to another under their own power or by transportation which permits individual guidance of a vehicle or animal.
(n) “Unit” means a board, department, agency, or other component of a county or a municipal corporation.
(o) “Youth camp” or “camp” means any day camp, residential camp, travel camp, or trip camp that:
(1) Accommodates 7 or more campers who are unrelated to the person operating the camp;
(2) Provides primarily recreational activities or has a substantial outdoor recreational component;
(3) Has permanent buildings, temporary buildings, or no buildings; and
(4) Operates on:
(i) Owned private property;
(ii) Owned private facilities;
(iii) Leased private property;
(iv) Leased private facilities;
(v) Public property; or
(vi) Public facilities.
(p) “Youth overnight program” means an activity sponsored by a religious or a community organization at a facility or site at which an individual less than 18 years old either lives apart or intends to live apart from the individual’s relatives, parent, or legal guardians for fewer than 5 consecutive days.
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