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Article - Health Occupations


    (a)    On or before October 1 each year, a licensed direct–entry midwife shall report to the Committee, in a form specified by the Board, the following information regarding cases in which the licensed direct–entry midwife assisted during the previous fiscal year when the intended place of birth at the onset of care was an out–of–hospital setting:

        (1)    The total number of patients served as primary caregiver at the onset of care;

        (2)    The number, by county, of live births attended as primary caregiver;

        (3)    The number, by county, of cases of fetal demise, infant deaths, and maternal deaths attended as primary caregiver at the discovery of the demise or death;

        (4)    The number of women whose primary care was transferred to another health care practitioner during the antepartum period and the reason for transfer;

        (5)    The number, reason for, and outcome of each nonemergency hospital transfer during the intrapartum or postpartum period;

        (6)    The number, reason for, and outcome of each urgent or emergency transport of an expectant mother in the antepartum period;

        (7)    The number, reason for, and outcome of each urgent or emergency transport of an infant or mother during the intrapartum or immediate postpartum period;

        (8)    The number of planned out–of–hospital births at the onset of labor and the number of births completed in an out–of–hospital setting;

        (9)    A brief description of any complications resulting in the morbidity or mortality of a mother or a neonate; and

        (10)    Any other information required by the Board in regulations.

    (b)    The Board shall send a written notice of noncompliance to each licensee who fails to meet the reporting requirements under subsection (a) of this section.

    (c)    A licensed direct–entry midwife who fails to comply with the reporting requirements under this section shall be prohibited from license renewal until the information required under subsection (a) of this section is reported.

    (d)    The Committee shall maintain the confidentiality of any report submitted under subsection (a) of this section.

    (e)    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a licensed direct–entry midwife shall be subject to the same reporting requirements as other health care practitioners who provide care to individuals in accordance with this title.

    (f)    A licensed direct–entry midwife attending an out–of–hospital delivery shall:

        (1)    For any live birth, complete and submit a birth certificate in accordance with § 4–208 of the Health – General Article; and

        (2)    For any death, make all medical records available and communicate relevant circumstances of the death to the individual responsible for completing the certificate of death under § 4–212 or § 4–213 of the Health – General Article.

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