Statutes Text
Article - Housing and Community Development
(a) The Department:
(1) shall administer its programs and activities related to housing and community development to affirmatively further fair housing;
(2) shall explore ways to ensure it is collaborating with and supporting nonprofit and governmental entities devoted to furthering fair housing; and
(3) may not take any action that is materially inconsistent with the obligation to affirmatively further fair housing.
(b) (1) The Department shall require political subdivisions and housing authorities to affirmatively further fair housing.
(2) To ensure that political subdivisions and housing authorities affirmatively further fair housing, the Department shall, in accordance with § 3–114(d)(2) of the Land Use Article, require a political subdivision or housing authority to submit an assessment of fair housing to the Department as part of the housing element of a comprehensive plan.
(c) This section does not:
(1) require a political subdivision or housing authority to take a specific action to affirmatively further fair housing; or
(2) prohibit a political subdivision or housing authority from taking a specific action to affirmatively further fair housing.
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