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Article - Human Services


    (a)    The Board consists of the following members:

        (1)    the Secretary;

        (2)    the Secretary of Higher Education;

        (3)    the State Superintendent of Schools;

        (4)    a representative of the Public School Superintendents’ Association of Maryland, appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate;

        (5)    the Attorney General of the State, or the Attorney General’s designee;

        (6)    one educator employed by the State who is engaged in the education of juveniles residing in a residential facility; and

        (7)    five members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate.

    (b)    (1)    The candidate who receives the highest number of votes in an election by the educators employed by the Department shall be the educator member.

        (2)    The term of the educator member is 4 years.

        (3)    At the end of a term, the educator member continues to serve until a successor is elected and qualifies.

        (4)    The Department shall adopt regulations to conduct the election of the educator member.

        (5)    The educator member may not vote on any matter that relates to appeals to the State Board of Education under § 6–202 of the Education Article.

    (c)    (1)    To the extent practicable, the appointed members of the Board shall reflect the diversity of the population of juveniles in the State.

        (2)    The appointed members of the Board shall possess a high level of knowledge and expertise in at least one of the following areas:

            (i)    teaching or educational administration;

            (ii)    prior service on the State Board of Education or a county board of education;

            (iii)    social work;

            (iv)    services for individuals with disabilities;

            (v)    working with institutionalized youth;

            (vi)    mental or behavioral health services;

            (vii)    civil rights law or advocacy;

            (viii)    digital learning or online administration; or

            (ix)    higher education administration.

    (d)    (1)    The term of an appointed member is 4 years.

        (2)    At the end of a term, an appointed member continues to serve until a successor is appointed and qualifies.

        (3)    An appointed member who is appointed after a term begins serves only for the remainder of the term and until a successor is appointed and qualifies.

        (4)    To the extent practicable, the Governor shall fill any vacancy for an appointed member on the Board within 60 days of the vacancy.

    (e)    The Governor may remove an appointed member only for cause.

    (f)    The Board shall elect from among its members a chair and a vice chair.

    (g)    Any action by the Board shall require:

        (1)    a quorum of a majority of the voting members then serving; and

        (2)    the affirmative vote of a majority of the voting members then serving.

    (h)    Each member of the Board is entitled to reimbursement for expenses under the Standard State Travel Regulations, as provided in the State budget.

    (i)    The Department shall staff the Board.

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