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Article - Insurance


    (a)    (1)    This section applies only to policies of:

            (i)    personal insurance; and

            (ii)    homeowner’s insurance under which a onetime guaranteed fully refundable deposit is required for a stated amount of coverage.

        (2)    This section does not apply to policies in effect for 45 days or less, as provided in § 12–106 of this article.

    (b)    (1)    Whenever an insurer, as required by subsection (c) of this section, gives notice of its intention to cancel or not to renew a policy subject to this section issued in the State or before an insurer cancels a policy subject to this section issued in the State for a reason other than nonpayment of premium, the insurer shall notify the insured of the possible right of the insured to replace the insurance under the Maryland Property Insurance Availability Act or through another plan for which the insured may be eligible.

        (2)    The notice required by paragraph (1) of this subsection must:

            (i)    be in writing;

            (ii)    contain the current address and telephone number of the offices of the appropriate plan; and

            (iii)    be sent to the named insured at the named insured’s last known address in the same manner and at the same time as the first written notice of cancellation or of intention not to renew given or required by law, regulation, or contract.

    (c)    (1)    Subject to paragraph (5) of this subsection, at least 45 days before the date of the proposed cancellation or expiration of the policy, the insurer shall send to the named insured at the named insured’s last known address, by a first–class mail tracking method, a written notice of intention to cancel for a reason other than nonpayment of premium or notice of intention not to renew a policy issued in the State.

        (2)    An insurer shall maintain proof of mailing in a form authorized or accepted by the United States Postal Service.

        (3)    Notice given to the insured by an insurance producer on behalf of the insurer is deemed to have been given by the insurer for purposes of this subsection.

        (4)    Notwithstanding paragraph (3) of this subsection, no notice is required under this section if the insured has replaced the insurance.

        (5)    An insurer may not cancel a policy midterm except:

            (i)    when there exists:

                1.    a material misrepresentation or fraud in connection with the application, policy, or presentation of a claim;

                2.    a matter or issue related to the risk that constitutes a threat to public safety; or

                3.    a change in the condition of the risk that results in an increase in the hazard insured against;

            (ii)    for nonpayment of premium; or

            (iii)    in the case of homeowner’s insurance, conviction of arson.

    (d)    At least 10 days before the date an insurer proposes to cancel a policy for nonpayment of premium, the insurer shall send to the named insured, at the named insured’s last known address, by a first–class mail tracking method, a written notice of intention to cancel for nonpayment of premium.

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