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Statutes Text

Article - Labor and Employment


    (a)    (1)    The Commission shall adopt regulations setting standards for the assessment of fines under § 9-664 of this Part IX of this subtitle.

        (2)    The Commission may adopt regulations about:

            (i)    the provision of medicine and medical, nursing, and hospital services to a covered employee;

            (ii)    payment for the medicine and services; and

            (iii)    the exercise by the Chairman of the Commission of the powers granted under § 9-662 of this subtitle.

    (b)    (1)    The Commission may regulate fees and other charges for medical services or treatment under this subtitle.

        (2)    Each fee or other charge for medical service or treatment under this subtitle is limited to the amount that prevails in the same community for similar treatment of an injured individual with a standard of living that is comparable to that of the covered employee.

        (3)    At least once every 2 years, the Commission shall:

            (i)    review its guide of medical and surgical fees for completeness and reasonableness; and

            (ii)    make appropriate revisions to the guide of medical and surgical fees.

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