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Statutes Text

Article - Local Government


    (a)    A municipality may establish and maintain:

        (1)    a fire department; and

        (2)    a police force.

    (b)    A municipality may:

        (1)    provide for the removal of fire hazards;

        (2)    control the use and handling of dangerous and explosive materials; and

        (3)    prevent the discharge of firearms or other explosive instruments.

    (c)    A municipality may:

        (1)    pay rewards for information relating to crime committed in the municipality;

        (2)    prohibit vagrancy, vice, gambling, and houses of prostitution in the municipality;

        (3)    enforce all ordinances relating to disorderly conduct and nuisances equally:

            (i)    within the municipality; and

            (ii)    up to one–half mile outside the municipal limits, except where there is a conflict with the powers of another municipality; and

        (4)    prohibit minors from being on the streets and in public places at certain hours of the night.

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