Statutes Text
Article - Natural Resources
(a) Except as provided in subsection (f) of this section, a person may only fish with a rod, or hook and line, in the waters of Coxes’ Creek, Furnace Branch Creek, or Marley Creek above the B. and O. Bridge.
(b) (1) A person may not catch fish by any means in the headwaters of the Magothy River beginning at the base of Lake Waterford Dam and extending for a distance of 3300 feet downstream during February, March, and April.
(2) Except as provided in subsection (f) of this section, a person may fish only with a rod, or hook and line, in the waters of the Little Magothy River and its tributaries and in the Magothy River and its tributaries lying westerly of the mouth of the Magothy River and inside a line drawn 214 degrees true from extreme end of Mountain Point to Persimmon Point, referring to the last edition of the Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 566.
(3) Except as provided in subsection (f) of this section, a person may fish only with a rod, or hook and line, in the waters of Bodkin Creek and tributaries lying westerly and inside of a line drawn 340 degrees true from extreme end of Cedar Point to Old Landen Point, referring to the latest edition of the Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 549.
(4) In the waters of the Magothy, Little Magothy Rivers, and Bodkin Creek and their tributaries, a person may use an eel pot or minnow trap which does not exceed 30 inches in length, 11 inches in width and 11 inches in height. During February, March, and April, a person may use a “D” bow frame net with handle attached which does not exceed 36 inches in width or 36 inches in height in the waters of the Magothy and Little Magothy Rivers and Bodkin Creek. However, a person may not use a “D” bow frame net as a stationary or set net in the bodies of water named in this subsection.
(c) (1) During February, March, and April, a person may not catch fish by any means in the waters of the Severn River or Severn Run from the dividing line between tidal and nontidal waters to a point 2400 feet downstream.
(2) Except as provided in subsection (f) of this section, a person may fish only with a rod, or hook and line, in the waters of the Severn River or any creek, cove, tributary, or inlet of the Severn River. A line drawn from the extreme projection of Greenberry Point into the Chesapeake Bay to the extreme point of Horn Point, marks the mouth of the Severn River for the purpose of this title.
(d) (1) A person may not set a pound net or other similar device at any time in the waters of South River, or any creek, cove, or inlet of the South River above Saunders Point on the south side and Marsh Point on the north.
(2) A person may not set any net at any time except a gill net or a haul seine in any creek, cove, tributary, or inlet of the South River.
(3) A person may not set any net or equipment during February, March, and April in the headwaters of South River from a line drawn from Howards Point on the west side of the river to Brier Bottom on the east side, and in the headwaters of Beards Creek and in the headwaters of any of the creeks of South River for a distance of 1200 feet from its headwaters.
(e) (1) A person may not set a haul seine exceeding 50 feet in length in the following waters:
(i) Herring Bay from a line drawn from the extreme projection of Parker’s Island Point into the Chesapeake Bay to the extreme point of Holland Point;
(ii) South River, Rhode River, and West River;
(iii) From a line drawn from the extreme projection from Thomas Point into the Chesapeake Bay to the extreme point of Curtis Point;
(iv) Within the headlands of Whitehall Creek; and
(v) Within the headlands of Meredith Creek and Lake Ogleton.
(2) Any person who violates this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $2,500 with costs imposed in the discretion of the court.
(f) Subject to Department regulations, a person may use archery equipment to fish for northern snakehead, commonly known as Chesapeake Channa, in Anne Arundel County waters.
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