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Article - Public Utilities


    (a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.

        (2)    “Construction” has the meaning stated in § 7–207 of this subtitle.

        (3)    “Generating station” does not include:

            (i)    a generating unit or facility that:

                1.    is used for the production of electricity for the purpose of:

                A.    onsite emergency backup at a facility when service from the electric company is interrupted due to electric distribution or transmission system failure or when there is equipment failure at a site where critical infrastructure is located; and

                B.    test and maintenance operations necessary to ensure functionality of the generating unit or facility in the event of an interruption of service from the electric company due to electric distribution or transmission system failure or when there is equipment failure at a site where critical infrastructure is located;

                2.    is installed with equipment that prevents the flow of electricity to the electric grid;

                3.    is subject to a permit to construct issued by the Department of the Environment; and

                4.    is installed at a facility that is part of critical infrastructure if the facility complies with all applicable regulations regarding noise level and testing hours; or

            (ii)    a combination of two or more generating units or facilities that satisfy item (i) of this paragraph.

        (4)    “Qualified offshore wind project” has the meaning stated in § 7–701 of this title.

        (5)    “Qualified submerged renewable energy line” means:

            (i)    a line carrying electricity supply and connecting a qualified offshore wind project to the transmission system; and

            (ii)    a line in which the portions of the line crossing any submerged lands or any part of a beach erosion control district are buried or submerged.

    (b)    This section applies to any person:

        (1)    constructing a generating station and its associated overhead transmission lines designed to carry a voltage in excess of 69,000 volts;

        (2)    exercising the right of condemnation in connection with the construction; or

        (3)    constructing a qualified submerged renewable energy line.

    (c)    (1)    To obtain the certificate of public convenience and necessity required under § 7–207 of this subtitle for construction under this section, a person shall file an application with the Commission at least 2 years before construction of the facility will commence.

        (2)    The Commission may waive the 2–year requirement on a showing of good cause.

    (d)    The applicant shall:

        (1)    include in an application under this section the information that the Commission requests initially; and

        (2)    furnish any additional information that the Commission requests subsequently.

    (e)    (1)    On the receipt of an application under this section, together with any additional information requested under subsection (d)(2) of this section, the Commission shall provide notice to:

            (i)    for a proposed overhead transmission line, each owner of land and each owner of adjacent land;

            (ii)    all interested persons;

            (iii)    the Department of Agriculture;

            (iv)    the Department of Commerce;

            (v)    the Department of the Environment;

            (vi)    the Department of Natural Resources;

            (vii)    the Department of Transportation;

            (viii)    the Department of Planning; and

            (ix)    the Maryland Energy Administration.

        (2)    On receipt of an application under this section, and whenever additional information is received under subsection (d)(2) of this section, the Commission shall provide notice immediately or require the applicant to provide notice immediately to:

            (i)    the governing body of each county or municipal corporation in which any portion of the generating station or the associated overhead transmission lines is proposed to be constructed;

            (ii)    the governing body of each county or municipal corporation within 1 mile of the proposed location of the generating station or the associated overhead transmission lines;

            (iii)    each member of the General Assembly representing any part of a county in which any portion of the generating station or the associated overhead transmission lines is proposed to be constructed; and

            (iv)    each member of the General Assembly representing any part of each county within 1 mile of the proposed location of the generating station or the associated overhead transmission lines.

        (3)    The Commission shall hold a public hearing on the application as required by § 7–207 of this subtitle after:

            (i)    the receipt of any additional information requested under subsection (d)(2) of this section that the Commission considers necessary; and

            (ii)    any publication of notice the Commission considers to be proper.

        (4)    (i)    At the public hearing, the Commission shall ensure presentation of the information and recommendations of the State units specified in paragraph (1) of this subsection and shall allow the official representative of each unit to sit during hearing of all parties.

            (ii)    Based on the evidence relating to the unit’s areas of concern, the Commission shall allow each unit 15 days after the conclusion of the hearing to modify or affirm the unit’s initial recommendations.

    (f)    Within 90 days after the conclusion of the hearing on an application under this section, the Commission shall:

        (1)    (i)    grant a certificate of public convenience and necessity unconditionally;

            (ii)    grant the certificate, subject to conditions the Commission determines to be appropriate; or

            (iii)    deny the certificate; and

        (2)    notify all interested parties of its decision.

    (g)    (1)    The Commission shall include in each certificate it issues under subsection (f) of this section:

            (i)    the requirements of the federal and State environmental laws and standards that are identified by the Department of the Environment; and

            (ii)    the methods and conditions that the Commission determines are appropriate to comply with those environmental laws and standards.

        (2)    The Commission may not adopt any method or condition under paragraph (1)(ii) of this subsection that the Department of the Environment determines is inconsistent with federal and State environmental laws and standards.

    (h)    (1)    A decision of the Commission regarding the issuance of a certificate requires the vote of a majority of the members of the Commission.

        (2)    If a majority of the members of the Commission fails to reach agreement on the conditions to be attached to a conditional certificate, the certificate shall be denied.

    (i)    The grant of a certificate by the Commission to any person under subsection (f) of this section constitutes:

        (1)    authority for the person to dredge and construct bulkheads in the waters or private wetlands of the State and to appropriate or use the waters; and

        (2)    registration and a permit to construct, as required under Title 2, Subtitle 4 of the Environment Article.

    (j)    (1)    A county or municipal corporation has the authority to approve or deny any local permit required under a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued under this section.

        (2)    A county or municipal corporation shall approve or deny any local permits required under a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued under this section:

            (i)    within a reasonable time; and

            (ii)    to the extent local laws are not preempted by State law, in accordance with local laws.

        (3)    A county or municipal corporation may not condition the approval of a local permit required under a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued under this section on receipt of any of the following approvals for any aspect of a generating station, an overhead transmission line, or a qualified lead line proposed to be constructed under the certificate:

            (i)    a conditional use approval;

            (ii)    a special exception approval; or

            (iii)    a floating zone approval.

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