Statutes Text
Article - Public Utilities
On or before December 1, 2024, and each December 1 thereafter, the Commission shall submit a report, in accordance with § 2–1257 of the State Government Article, to the General Assembly with information regarding the current status of projects designed to promote the goals identified in this section, including information on planning processes and implementation that promote, as specific goals, the following:
(1) measures to decrease greenhouse gas emissions incident to electric distribution, including high levels of distributed energy resources and electric vehicles;
(2) giving priority to vulnerable communities in the development of distributed energy resources and electric vehicle infrastructure;
(3) energy efficiency;
(4) meeting anticipated increases in load;
(5) incorporation of energy storage technology as appropriate and prudent to:
(i) support efficiency and reliability of the electric system; and
(ii) provide additional capacity to accommodate increased distributed renewable electricity generation in connection with electric transmission and distribution system modernization;
(6) efficient management of load variability;
(7) electric system resiliency and reliability;
(8) bidirectional power flows;
(9) demand response and other nonwire and noncapital alternatives;
(10) increased use of distributed energy resources, including electric vehicles;
(11) transparent stakeholder participation in ongoing electric system planning processes; and
(12) any other issues the Commission considers appropriate.
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