Statutes Text
Article - State Finance and Procurement
(a) (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this section, paragraph (2)(ii) of this subsection, or in other law, the Central Collection Unit is responsible for the collection of each delinquent account or other debt that is owed to the State or any of its officials or units.
(2) (i) Except as provided in subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph, an official or unit of the State government shall refer to the Central Collection Unit each debt for which the Central Collection Unit has collection responsibility under this subsection and may not settle the debt.
(ii) A public institution of higher education may not refer a delinquent student account or debt to the Central Collection Unit unless, in accordance with § 15–120 of the Education Article:
1. the delinquent account or debt has not been settled by the end of the late registration period of the semester after the student account became delinquent; or
2. the student has not entered into or made timely payments to satisfy an installment payment plan.
(3) For the purposes of this subtitle, a community college or board of trustees for a community college established or operating under Title 16 of the Education Article is a unit of the State.
(b) Unless, with the approval of the Secretary, a unit of the State government assigns the claim to the Central Collection Unit, the Central Collection Unit is not responsible for and may not collect:
(1) any taxes;
(2) any child support payment that is owed under § 5–308 of the Human Services Article;
(3) any unemployment insurance contribution or overpayment;
(4) any fine;
(5) any court costs;
(6) any forfeiture on bond;
(7) any money that is owed as a result of a default on a loan that the Department of Commerce or the Department of Housing and Community Development has made or insured;
(8) any money that is owed under Title 9, Subtitles 2, 3, and 4 and Title 20 of the Insurance Article;
(9) any money that is owed for unpaid video tolls and associated civil penalties under § 21–1414 of the Transportation Article under a delinquent account associated with a person residing outside the State; or
(10) any money that is owed under a delinquent account for unpaid video tolls and associated civil penalties and is recalled by the Maryland Transportation Authority under § 21–1414(h) of the Transportation Article.
(c) The Central Collection Unit shall be responsible for the collection of each delinquent account or other debt that is owed to a community college established or operating under Title 16 of the Education Article if the board of trustees for the community college:
(1) adopts a resolution appointing the Central Collection Unit as the collector of delinquent accounts or other debt; and
(2) submits the resolution to the Central Collection Unit.
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