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Statutes Text

Article - State Finance and Procurement


    (a)    Each year, no later than 60 days before the General Assembly convenes for its regular session, the Department shall submit a report to the Governor.

    (b)    The annual report shall include:

        (1)    a summary and description of the nature of every section of the State Development Plan that has been:

            (i)    added, deleted, or revised since the last annual report; and

            (ii)    filed by the Governor under § 5-605 of this title;

        (2)    a summary of each important study wholly or partly completed by the Department since the last annual report; and

        (3)    summaries of the work of the Department and of the State Economic Growth, Resource Protection, and Planning Commission.

    (c)    The Department shall distribute copies of the annual report:

        (1)    subject to § 2-1257 of the State Government Article, to the General Assembly;

        (2)    to the head of each department of the State government;

        (3)    to the head of each local or regional planning agency in the State; and

        (4)    on request, to any federal agency.

    (d)    The Department shall make copies of the annual report available for general distribution or sale.

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