Statutes Text
Article - State Finance and Procurement
§6–226. IN EFFECT
(a) (1) Except as otherwise specifically provided by law or by regulation of the Treasurer, the Treasurer shall credit to the General Fund any interest on or other income from State money that the Treasurer invests.
(2) (i) 1. This subparagraph does not apply in fiscal years 2024 through 2028.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and unless inconsistent with a federal law, grant agreement, or other federal requirement or with the terms of a gift or settlement agreement, net interest on all State money allocated by the State Treasurer under this section to special funds or accounts, and otherwise entitled to receive interest earnings, as accounted for by the Comptroller, shall accrue to the General Fund of the State.
(ii) The provisions of subparagraph (i) of this paragraph do not apply to the following funds:
1. Maryland Housing Loan Funds of 1976, 1978, 1979, and 1984;
2. Microsoft Cost Share Fund;
3. Subsequent Injury Fund;
4. Uninsured Employers’ Fund;
5. Jane E. Lawton Conservation Loan Program;
6. Energy Overcharge Restitution Fund;
7. PEPCO/Connectiv Settlement Fund;
8. Baseball Capital Improvements Fund;
9. State Victims of Crime Fund;
10. Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Fund;
11. Victim and Witness Protection and Relocation Fund;
12. Unclaimed Restitution – Victims of Crime;
13. Justice Assistance Grant;
14. Byrne Justice Assistance Grant;
15. Maryland Election Modernization Fund;
16. Scriven Estate Fund;
17. Volunteer Company Assistance Fund;
18. Radoff Memorial Fund;
19. Archives Endowment Account within the Archives Fund;
20. Ellefson Endowment Fund;
21. Albert C. Ritchie Memorial Fund;
22. Senior Prescription Drug Assistance Program Fund;
23. Fair Campaign Financing Fund;
24. State Employees and Retirees Health and Welfare Benefits Fund;
25. Major Information Technology Development Project Fund;
26. State Retirement Agency Funds;
27. Postretirement Health Benefits Trust Fund;
28. Maryland Emergency Medical System Operations Fund;
29. State Wildlife Management and Protection Fund;
30. Fisheries Management and Protection Fund;
31. Ocean Beach Replenishment Fund;
32. Community Services Trust Fund;
33. Waiting List Equity Fund;
34. Health Care Coverage Fund;
35. Health Services Cost Review Commission Fund;
36. Hospital Uncompensated Care Fund;
37. funds in the accounts of Morgan State University;
38. funds in the accounts of St. Mary’s College of Maryland;
39. funds in the accounts of the University System of Maryland;
40. Maryland Prepaid College Trust Fund;
41. Nurse Support Program Assistance Fund;
42. funds in the accounts of the Baltimore City Community College;
43. Education Trust Fund;
44. Section 8 construction and administration funds administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development;
45. MacArthur Grant Fund;
46. all special funds within the Department of Commerce;
47. Maryland Water Quality Revolving Loan Fund;
48. Maryland Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund;
49. Bay Restoration Fund;
50. Migratory Game Bird Fund;
51. Deer Stamp Fund;
52. Wildlife Habitat Incentive Fund;
53. Fisheries Research and Development Fund;
54. Strategic Energy Investment Fund;
55. Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund;
56. 50% of the interest from the 9–1–1 Trust Fund;
57. all accounts within the State Reserve Fund;
58. local revenue accounts collected by the Judiciary;
59. Assistive Technology Loan Fund;
60. Veterans Trust Fund;
61. Transportation Trust Fund;
62. Foreclosed Property Registry Fund;
63. Asbestos Worker Protection Fund;
64. Maryland Innovation Initiative Fund;
65. Family Security Trust Fund, subject to § 7–4A–03(d) of the Health Occupations Article;
66. Baltimore City Community Enhancement Transit–Oriented Development Fund;
67. the Maryland Legal Services Corporation Fund;
68. Mortgage Loan Servicing Practices Settlement Fund;
69. Maryland Offshore Wind Business Development Fund;
70. the Maryland First Scholarship Fund;
71. Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission Fund;
72. the Spay/Neuter Fund;
73. State Brain Injury Trust Fund;
74. the Baltimore City Public School Construction Facilities Fund;
75. the Baltimore City Public School Construction Financing Fund;
76. the Prekindergarten Expansion Fund;
77. the Energy–Efficient Homes Construction Fund;
78. the Maryland E–Nnovation Initiative Fund;
79. the Innovation Investment Fund;
80. the Regional Advanced Manufacturing Partnership of Maryland Fund;
81. the Newborn Screening Program Fund;
82. the Economic Development Marketing Fund;
83. the Military Personnel and Veteran–Owned Small Business No–Interest Loan Fund;
84. the Baltimore Regional Neighborhood Initiative Program Fund;
85. the Strategic Demolition and Smart Growth Impact Fund;
86. the Seed Community Development Anchor Institution Fund;
87. the Next Generation Scholars of Maryland Program Fund;
88. the Construction Education and Innovation Fund;
89. the Uninsured Motorist Education and Enforcement Fund;
90. the Performance Incentive Grant Fund;
91. the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Fund;
92. the Community Program Fund;
93. the Addiction Treatment Divestiture Fund;
94. the Maryland Energy Innovation Fund;
95. the State Lakes Protection and Restoration Fund;
96. the National Capital Strategic Economic Development Fund;
97. the Advance Directive Program Fund;
98. the Make Office Vacancies Extinct Matching Fund;
99. the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Fund;
100. the School Construction Revolving Loan Fund;
101. the Safe Schools Fund;
102. the Maryland Violence Intervention and Prevention Program Fund;
103. the Computing Education and Professional Development Fund;
104. the Maryland Prenatal and Infant Care Grant Program Fund;
105. the Healthy School Facility Fund;
106. the Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Compassionate Use Fund;
107. the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission Fund;
108. the Pretrial Services Program Grant Fund;
109. the Supplemental Facilities Fund;
110. the Hemp Farming Fund;
111. the Prince George’s County Public–Private Partnership Fund;
112. the Zero–Emission Vehicle School Bus Transition Fund;
113. the Rape Kit Testing Grant Fund;
114. the Pedestrian Safety Fund;
115. the Legal Representation Fund for Title IX Proceedings;
116. the Student Peer Mediation Program Fund;
117. the Markell Hendricks Youth Crime Prevention and Diversion Parole Fund;
118. the Federal Government Shutdown Employee Assistance Loan Fund;
119. the Racing and Community Development Financing Fund;
120. the Racing and Community Development Facilities Fund;
121. the Supplemental Public School Construction Facilities Fund;
122. the Supplemental Public School Construction Financing Fund;
123. the Nancy K. Kopp Public School Facilities Priority Fund;
124. the Prescription Drug Affordability Fund;
125. the Maryland Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Incentive Matching Fund;
126. the Michael Erin Busch Sports Fund;
127. the Coordinated Community Supports Partnership Fund;
128. the Opioid Restitution Fund;
129. the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Reserve Fund;
130. the Rural Broadband Assistance Fund;
131. the Digital Inclusion Fund;
132. the Digital Connectivity Fund;
133. the K–9 Compassionate Care Fund;
134. the Maternal and Child Health Population Health Improvement Fund;
135. the Inclusion Fund;
136. the Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise Fund;
137. the Hagerstown Multi–Use Sports and Events Facility Fund;
138. the Pre–Seed Builder Fund;
139. the Passive House Pilot Program Fund;
140. the Resilient Maryland Revolving Loan Fund;
141. the Notary Public Fund;
142. the Health Equity Resource Community Reserve Fund;
143. the Access to Counsel in Evictions Special Fund;
144. the Homeowner Protection Fund;
145. the Maggie McIntosh School Arts Fund;
146. the Climate Catalytic Capital Fund;
147. the Park System Critical Maintenance Fund;
148. the Park System Capital Improvements and Acquisition Fund;
149. the Great Maryland Outdoors Fund;
150. the Abortion Care Clinical Training Program Fund;
151. the Sports Entertainment Facilities Financing Fund;
152. the Major Sports and Entertainment Event Program Fund;
153. the Prince George’s County Blue Line Corridor Facility Fund;
154. the Senator George C. Edwards Fund;
155. the 9–8–8 Trust Fund;
156. the Maryland AIDS Drug Assistance Program Fund;
157. the Local Cybersecurity Support Fund;
158. the Maryland Loan Assistance Repayment Program Fund for Nurses and Nursing Support Staff;
159. the Maryland Makerspace Initiative Fund;
160. the Sustainable Maryland Program Fund;
161. the On–Site Wastewater Professionals Fund;
162. the Child Care Capital Support Revolving Loan Fund;
163. the Maryland New Start Pilot Microloan Program Fund;
164. the Department of General Services Broker Rebate Fee Fund;
165. the Patient Safety Center Fund;
166. the False Claims Fund;
167. the Resiliency Hub Grant Program Fund;
168. the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Fund;
169. the Cannabis Business Assistance Fund;
170. the Cannabis Public Health Fund;
171. the Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund;
172. the Young Adult Service Year Option Pathway Fund;
173. the Maryland Service Year Option Pathway Fund;
174. the Maryland Racing Operations Fund;
175. the Camden Yards Baseball Sports Facility Supplemental Financing Fund;
176. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Supplemental Financing Fund;
177. the Bus Rapid Transit Fund;
178. the Cannabis Regulation and Enforcement Fund;
179. the Medical Cannabis Compassionate Use Fund;
180. the Behavioral Health Workforce Investment Fund;
181. the Build Our Future Grant Fund;
182. the Human–Relevant Research Fund;
183. the Equitech Growth Fund;
184. the Maryland Forestry Education Fund;
185. the Transit–Oriented Development Capital Grant and Revolving Loan Fund;
186. the Local Land Trust Revolving Loan Fund;
187. the State Disaster Recovery Fund;
188. the Black Bass Conservation Fund;
189. the Non–Depository Special Fund;
190. the Teacher Retention and Development Fund;
191. the Protecting Against Hate Crimes Grant Fund;
192. the Fallen Transportation Workers Scholarship Fund;
193. the Maryland Geological Survey Fund;
194. the Access to Attorneys, Advocates, and Consultants for Special Education Fund;
195. the Rental Assistance for Community School Families Fund;
196. the Community Health and Safety Works Grant Program Fund;
197. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Capital Works Fund;
198. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Emergency Repair Fund;
199. the ENOUGH Grant Fund;
200. the Talent Innovation Fund;
201. the Climate Technology Founder’s Fund;
202. the Whole Watershed Fund;
203. the Radiation Emergency Response Fund;
204. the Victims of Domestic Violence Program Grant Fund; and
205. the Proposed Programs Collaborative Grant Fund.
(b) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Treasurer may invest separately or commingled in 1 or more pools amounts to be invested by law or regulation for State agencies.
(2) The Treasurer shall allocate net earnings on amounts commingled in a pool to the appropriate State agencies entitled to receive interest earnings under subsection (a) of this section.
§6–226. // EFFECTIVE JUNE 30, 2025 PER CHAPTER 583 OF 2021 //
// EFFECTIVE UNTIL JUNE 30, 2027 PER CHAPTERS 111, 430, AND 431 OF 2023 //
(a) (1) Except as otherwise specifically provided by law or by regulation of the Treasurer, the Treasurer shall credit to the General Fund any interest on or other income from State money that the Treasurer invests.
(2) (i) 1. This subparagraph does not apply in fiscal years 2024 through 2028.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and unless inconsistent with a federal law, grant agreement, or other federal requirement or with the terms of a gift or settlement agreement, net interest on all State money allocated by the State Treasurer under this section to special funds or accounts, and otherwise entitled to receive interest earnings, as accounted for by the Comptroller, shall accrue to the General Fund of the State.
(ii) The provisions of subparagraph (i) of this paragraph do not apply to the following funds:
1. Maryland Housing Loan Funds of 1976, 1978, 1979, and 1984;
2. Microsoft Cost Share Fund;
3. Subsequent Injury Fund;
4. Uninsured Employers’ Fund;
5. Jane E. Lawton Conservation Loan Program;
6. Energy Overcharge Restitution Fund;
7. PEPCO/Connectiv Settlement Fund;
8. Baseball Capital Improvements Fund;
9. State Victims of Crime Fund;
10. Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Fund;
11. Victim and Witness Protection and Relocation Fund;
12. Unclaimed Restitution – Victims of Crime;
13. Justice Assistance Grant;
14. Byrne Justice Assistance Grant;
15. Maryland Election Modernization Fund;
16. Scriven Estate Fund;
17. Volunteer Company Assistance Fund;
18. Radoff Memorial Fund;
19. Archives Endowment Account within the Archives Fund;
20. Ellefson Endowment Fund;
21. Albert C. Ritchie Memorial Fund;
22. Senior Prescription Drug Assistance Program Fund;
23. Fair Campaign Financing Fund;
24. State Employees and Retirees Health and Welfare Benefits Fund;
25. Major Information Technology Development Project Fund;
26. State Retirement Agency Funds;
27. Postretirement Health Benefits Trust Fund;
28. Maryland Emergency Medical System Operations Fund;
29. State Wildlife Management and Protection Fund;
30. Fisheries Management and Protection Fund;
31. Ocean Beach Replenishment Fund;
32. Community Services Trust Fund;
33. Waiting List Equity Fund;
34. Health Care Coverage Fund;
35. Health Services Cost Review Commission Fund;
36. Hospital Uncompensated Care Fund;
37. funds in the accounts of Morgan State University;
38. funds in the accounts of St. Mary’s College of Maryland;
39. funds in the accounts of the University System of Maryland;
40. Maryland Prepaid College Trust Fund;
41. Nurse Support Program Assistance Fund;
42. funds in the accounts of the Baltimore City Community College;
43. Education Trust Fund;
44. Section 8 construction and administration funds administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development;
45. MacArthur Grant Fund;
46. all special funds within the Department of Commerce;
47. Maryland Water Quality Revolving Loan Fund;
48. Maryland Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund;
49. Bay Restoration Fund;
50. Migratory Game Bird Fund;
51. Deer Stamp Fund;
52. Wildlife Habitat Incentive Fund;
53. Fisheries Research and Development Fund;
54. Strategic Energy Investment Fund;
55. Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund;
56. 50% of the interest from the 9–1–1 Trust Fund;
57. all accounts within the State Reserve Fund;
58. local revenue accounts collected by the Judiciary;
59. Assistive Technology Loan Fund;
60. Veterans Trust Fund;
61. Transportation Trust Fund;
62. Foreclosed Property Registry Fund;
63. Asbestos Worker Protection Fund;
64. Maryland Innovation Initiative Fund;
65. Family Security Trust Fund, subject to § 7–4A–03(d) of the Health Occupations Article;
66. Baltimore City Community Enhancement Transit–Oriented Development Fund;
67. the Maryland Legal Services Corporation Fund;
68. Mortgage Loan Servicing Practices Settlement Fund;
69. Maryland Offshore Wind Business Development Fund;
70. the Maryland First Scholarship Fund;
71. Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission Fund;
72. the Spay/Neuter Fund;
73. State Brain Injury Trust Fund;
74. the Baltimore City Public School Construction Facilities Fund;
75. the Baltimore City Public School Construction Financing Fund;
76. the Prekindergarten Expansion Fund;
77. the Energy–Efficient Homes Construction Fund;
78. the Maryland E–Nnovation Initiative Fund;
79. the Innovation Investment Fund;
80. the Regional Advanced Manufacturing Partnership of Maryland Fund;
81. the Newborn Screening Program Fund;
82. the Economic Development Marketing Fund;
83. the Military Personnel and Veteran–Owned Small Business No–Interest Loan Fund;
84. the Baltimore Regional Neighborhood Initiative Program Fund;
85. the Strategic Demolition and Smart Growth Impact Fund;
86. the Seed Community Development Anchor Institution Fund;
87. the Next Generation Scholars of Maryland Program Fund;
88. the Construction Education and Innovation Fund;
89. the Uninsured Motorist Education and Enforcement Fund;
90. the Performance Incentive Grant Fund;
91. the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Fund;
92. the Community Program Fund;
93. the Addiction Treatment Divestiture Fund;
94. the Maryland Energy Innovation Fund;
95. the State Lakes Protection and Restoration Fund;
96. the National Capital Strategic Economic Development Fund;
97. the Advance Directive Program Fund;
98. the Make Office Vacancies Extinct Matching Fund;
99. the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Fund;
100. the School Construction Revolving Loan Fund;
101. the Safe Schools Fund;
102. the Maryland Violence Intervention and Prevention Program Fund;
103. the Computing Education and Professional Development Fund;
104. the Maryland Prenatal and Infant Care Grant Program Fund;
105. the Healthy School Facility Fund;
106. the Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Compassionate Use Fund;
107. the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission Fund;
108. the Pretrial Services Program Grant Fund;
109. the Supplemental Facilities Fund;
110. the Hemp Farming Fund;
111. the Prince George’s County Public–Private Partnership Fund;
112. the Zero–Emission Vehicle School Bus Transition Fund;
113. the Rape Kit Testing Grant Fund;
114. the Pedestrian Safety Fund;
115. the Legal Representation Fund for Title IX Proceedings;
116. the Student Peer Mediation Program Fund;
117. the Markell Hendricks Youth Crime Prevention and Diversion Parole Fund;
118. the Federal Government Shutdown Employee Assistance Loan Fund;
119. the Racing and Community Development Financing Fund;
120. the Racing and Community Development Facilities Fund;
121. the Supplemental Public School Construction Facilities Fund;
122. the Supplemental Public School Construction Financing Fund;
123. the Nancy K. Kopp Public School Facilities Priority Fund;
124. the Prescription Drug Affordability Fund;
125. the Maryland Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Incentive Matching Fund;
126. the Michael Erin Busch Sports Fund;
127. the Coordinated Community Supports Partnership Fund;
128. the Opioid Restitution Fund;
129. the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Reserve Fund;
130. the Rural Broadband Assistance Fund;
131. the Digital Inclusion Fund;
132. the Digital Connectivity Fund;
133. the K–9 Compassionate Care Fund;
134. the Maternal and Child Health Population Health Improvement Fund;
135. the Inclusion Fund;
136. the Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise Fund;
137. the Hagerstown Multi–Use Sports and Events Facility Fund;
138. the Pre–Seed Builder Fund;
139. the Resilient Maryland Revolving Loan Fund;
140. the Notary Public Fund;
141. the Health Equity Resource Community Reserve Fund;
142. the Access to Counsel in Evictions Special Fund;
143. the Homeowner Protection Fund;
144. the Maggie McIntosh School Arts Fund;
145. the Climate Catalytic Capital Fund;
146. the Park System Critical Maintenance Fund;
147. the Park System Capital Improvements and Acquisition Fund;
148. the Great Maryland Outdoors Fund;
149. the Abortion Care Clinical Training Program Fund;
150. the Sports Entertainment Facilities Financing Fund;
151. the Major Sports and Entertainment Event Program Fund;
152. the Prince George’s County Blue Line Corridor Facility Fund;
153. the Senator George C. Edwards Fund;
154. the 9–8–8 Trust Fund;
155. the Maryland AIDS Drug Assistance Program Fund;
156. the Local Cybersecurity Support Fund;
157. the Maryland Loan Assistance Repayment Program Fund for Nurses and Nursing Support Staff;
158. the Maryland Makerspace Initiative Fund;
159. the Sustainable Maryland Program Fund;
160. the On–Site Wastewater Professionals Fund;
161. the Child Care Capital Support Revolving Loan Fund;
162. the Maryland New Start Pilot Microloan Program Fund;
163. the Department of General Services Broker Rebate Fee Fund;
164. the Patient Safety Center Fund;
165. the False Claims Fund;
166. the Resiliency Hub Grant Program Fund;
167. the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Fund;
168. the Cannabis Business Assistance Fund;
169. the Cannabis Public Health Fund;
170. the Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund;
171. the Young Adult Service Year Option Pathway Fund;
172. the Maryland Service Year Option Pathway Fund;
173. the Maryland Racing Operations Fund;
174. the Camden Yards Baseball Sports Facility Supplemental Financing Fund;
175. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Supplemental Financing Fund;
176. the Bus Rapid Transit Fund;
177. the Cannabis Regulation and Enforcement Fund;
178. the Medical Cannabis Compassionate Use Fund;
179. the Behavioral Health Workforce Investment Fund;
180. the Build Our Future Grant Fund;
181. the Human–Relevant Research Fund;
182. the Equitech Growth Fund;
183. the Maryland Forestry Education Fund;
184. the Transit–Oriented Development Capital Grant and Revolving Loan Fund;
185. the Local Land Trust Revolving Loan Fund;
186. the State Disaster Recovery Fund;
187. the Black Bass Conservation Fund;
188. the Non–Depository Special Fund;
189. the Teacher Retention and Development Fund;
190. the Protecting Against Hate Crimes Grant Fund;
191. the Fallen Transportation Workers Scholarship Fund;
192. the Maryland Geological Survey Fund;
193. the Access to Attorneys, Advocates, and Consultants for Special Education Fund;
194. the Rental Assistance for Community School Families Fund;
195. the Community Health and Safety Works Grant Program Fund;
196. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Capital Works Fund;
197. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Emergency Repair Fund;
198. the ENOUGH Grant Fund;
199. the Talent Innovation Fund;
200. the Climate Technology Founder’s Fund;
201. the Whole Watershed Fund;
202. the Radiation Emergency Response Fund;
203. the Victims of Domestic Violence Program Grant Fund; and
204. the Proposed Programs Collaborative Grant Fund.
(b) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Treasurer may invest separately or commingled in 1 or more pools amounts to be invested by law or regulation for State agencies.
(2) The Treasurer shall allocate net earnings on amounts commingled in a pool to the appropriate State agencies entitled to receive interest earnings under subsection (a) of this section.
§6–226. // EFFECTIVE JUNE 30, 2027 PER CHAPTERS 111, 430, AND 431 OF 2023 //
(a) (1) Except as otherwise specifically provided by law or by regulation of the Treasurer, the Treasurer shall credit to the General Fund any interest on or other income from State money that the Treasurer invests.
(2) (i) 1. This subparagraph does not apply in fiscal years 2024 through 2028.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and unless inconsistent with a federal law, grant agreement, or other federal requirement or with the terms of a gift or settlement agreement, net interest on all State money allocated by the State Treasurer under this section to special funds or accounts, and otherwise entitled to receive interest earnings, as accounted for by the Comptroller, shall accrue to the General Fund of the State.
(ii) The provisions of subparagraph (i) of this paragraph do not apply to the following funds:
1. Maryland Housing Loan Funds of 1976, 1978, 1979, and 1984;
2. Microsoft Cost Share Fund;
3. Subsequent Injury Fund;
4. Uninsured Employers’ Fund;
5. Jane E. Lawton Conservation Loan Program;
6. Energy Overcharge Restitution Fund;
7. PEPCO/Connectiv Settlement Fund;
8. Baseball Capital Improvements Fund;
9. State Victims of Crime Fund;
10. Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Fund;
11. Victim and Witness Protection and Relocation Fund;
12. Unclaimed Restitution – Victims of Crime;
13. Justice Assistance Grant;
14. Byrne Justice Assistance Grant;
15. Maryland Election Modernization Fund;
16. Scriven Estate Fund;
17. Volunteer Company Assistance Fund;
18. Radoff Memorial Fund;
19. Archives Endowment Account within the Archives Fund;
20. Ellefson Endowment Fund;
21. Albert C. Ritchie Memorial Fund;
22. Senior Prescription Drug Assistance Program Fund;
23. Fair Campaign Financing Fund;
24. State Employees and Retirees Health and Welfare Benefits Fund;
25. Major Information Technology Development Project Fund;
26. State Retirement Agency Funds;
27. Postretirement Health Benefits Trust Fund;
28. Maryland Emergency Medical System Operations Fund;
29. State Wildlife Management and Protection Fund;
30. Fisheries Management and Protection Fund;
31. Ocean Beach Replenishment Fund;
32. Community Services Trust Fund;
33. Waiting List Equity Fund;
34. Health Care Coverage Fund;
35. Health Services Cost Review Commission Fund;
36. Hospital Uncompensated Care Fund;
37. funds in the accounts of Morgan State University;
38. funds in the accounts of St. Mary’s College of Maryland;
39. funds in the accounts of the University System of Maryland;
40. Maryland Prepaid College Trust Fund;
41. Nurse Support Program Assistance Fund;
42. funds in the accounts of the Baltimore City Community College;
43. Education Trust Fund;
44. Section 8 construction and administration funds administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development;
45. MacArthur Grant Fund;
46. all special funds within the Department of Commerce;
47. Maryland Water Quality Revolving Loan Fund;
48. Maryland Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund;
49. Bay Restoration Fund;
50. Migratory Game Bird Fund;
51. Deer Stamp Fund;
52. Wildlife Habitat Incentive Fund;
53. Fisheries Research and Development Fund;
54. Strategic Energy Investment Fund;
55. Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund;
56. 50% of the interest from the 9–1–1 Trust Fund;
57. all accounts within the State Reserve Fund;
58. local revenue accounts collected by the Judiciary;
59. Assistive Technology Loan Fund;
60. Veterans Trust Fund;
61. Transportation Trust Fund;
62. Foreclosed Property Registry Fund;
63. Asbestos Worker Protection Fund;
64. Maryland Innovation Initiative Fund;
65. Family Security Trust Fund, subject to § 7–4A–03(d) of the Health Occupations Article;
66. Baltimore City Community Enhancement Transit–Oriented Development Fund;
67. the Maryland Legal Services Corporation Fund;
68. Mortgage Loan Servicing Practices Settlement Fund;
69. Maryland Offshore Wind Business Development Fund;
70. the Maryland First Scholarship Fund;
71. Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission Fund;
72. the Spay/Neuter Fund;
73. State Brain Injury Trust Fund;
74. the Baltimore City Public School Construction Facilities Fund;
75. the Baltimore City Public School Construction Financing Fund;
76. the Prekindergarten Expansion Fund;
77. the Energy–Efficient Homes Construction Fund;
78. the Maryland E–Nnovation Initiative Fund;
79. the Innovation Investment Fund;
80. the Regional Advanced Manufacturing Partnership of Maryland Fund;
81. the Newborn Screening Program Fund;
82. the Economic Development Marketing Fund;
83. the Military Personnel and Veteran–Owned Small Business No–Interest Loan Fund;
84. the Baltimore Regional Neighborhood Initiative Program Fund;
85. the Strategic Demolition and Smart Growth Impact Fund;
86. the Seed Community Development Anchor Institution Fund;
87. the Next Generation Scholars of Maryland Program Fund;
88. the Construction Education and Innovation Fund;
89. the Uninsured Motorist Education and Enforcement Fund;
90. the Performance Incentive Grant Fund;
91. the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Fund;
92. the Community Program Fund;
93. the Addiction Treatment Divestiture Fund;
94. the Maryland Energy Innovation Fund;
95. the State Lakes Protection and Restoration Fund;
96. the National Capital Strategic Economic Development Fund;
97. the Advance Directive Program Fund;
98. the Make Office Vacancies Extinct Matching Fund;
99. the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Fund;
100. the School Construction Revolving Loan Fund;
101. the Safe Schools Fund;
102. the Maryland Violence Intervention and Prevention Program Fund;
103. the Computing Education and Professional Development Fund;
104. the Maryland Prenatal and Infant Care Grant Program Fund;
105. the Healthy School Facility Fund;
106. the Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Compassionate Use Fund;
107. the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission Fund;
108. the Pretrial Services Program Grant Fund;
109. the Supplemental Facilities Fund;
110. the Hemp Farming Fund;
111. the Prince George’s County Public–Private Partnership Fund;
112. the Zero–Emission Vehicle School Bus Transition Fund;
113. the Rape Kit Testing Grant Fund;
114. the Pedestrian Safety Fund;
115. the Legal Representation Fund for Title IX Proceedings;
116. the Student Peer Mediation Program Fund;
117. the Markell Hendricks Youth Crime Prevention and Diversion Parole Fund;
118. the Federal Government Shutdown Employee Assistance Loan Fund;
119. the Racing and Community Development Financing Fund;
120. the Racing and Community Development Facilities Fund;
121. the Supplemental Public School Construction Facilities Fund;
122. the Supplemental Public School Construction Financing Fund;
123. the Nancy K. Kopp Public School Facilities Priority Fund;
124. the Prescription Drug Affordability Fund;
125. the Maryland Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Incentive Matching Fund;
126. the Michael Erin Busch Sports Fund;
127. the Coordinated Community Supports Partnership Fund;
128. the Opioid Restitution Fund;
129. the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Reserve Fund;
130. the Rural Broadband Assistance Fund;
131. the Digital Inclusion Fund;
132. the Digital Connectivity Fund;
133. the K–9 Compassionate Care Fund;
134. the Maternal and Child Health Population Health Improvement Fund;
135. the Inclusion Fund;
136. the Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise Fund;
137. the Hagerstown Multi–Use Sports and Events Facility Fund;
138. the Pre–Seed Builder Fund;
139. the Resilient Maryland Revolving Loan Fund;
140. the Notary Public Fund;
141. the Health Equity Resource Community Reserve Fund;
142. the Access to Counsel in Evictions Special Fund;
143. the Homeowner Protection Fund;
144. the Maggie McIntosh School Arts Fund;
145. the Climate Catalytic Capital Fund;
146. the Park System Critical Maintenance Fund;
147. the Park System Capital Improvements and Acquisition Fund;
148. the Great Maryland Outdoors Fund;
149. the Abortion Care Clinical Training Program Fund;
150. the Sports Entertainment Facilities Financing Fund;
151. the Major Sports and Entertainment Event Program Fund;
152. the Prince George’s County Blue Line Corridor Facility Fund;
153. the Senator George C. Edwards Fund;
154. the 9–8–8 Trust Fund;
155. the Maryland AIDS Drug Assistance Program Fund;
156. the Local Cybersecurity Support Fund;
157. the Maryland Loan Assistance Repayment Program Fund for Nurses and Nursing Support Staff;
158. the Maryland Makerspace Initiative Fund;
159. the Sustainable Maryland Program Fund;
160. the On–Site Wastewater Professionals Fund;
161. the Child Care Capital Support Revolving Loan Fund;
162. the Maryland New Start Pilot Microloan Program Fund;
163. the Department of General Services Broker Rebate Fee Fund;
164. the Patient Safety Center Fund;
165. the False Claims Fund;
166. the Resiliency Hub Grant Program Fund;
167. the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Fund;
168. the Cannabis Business Assistance Fund;
169. the Cannabis Public Health Fund;
170. the Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund;
171. the Young Adult Service Year Option Pathway Fund;
172. the Maryland Service Year Option Pathway Fund;
173. the Maryland Racing Operations Fund;
174. the Camden Yards Baseball Sports Facility Supplemental Financing Fund;
175. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Supplemental Financing Fund;
176. the Bus Rapid Transit Fund;
177. the Cannabis Regulation and Enforcement Fund;
178. the Medical Cannabis Compassionate Use Fund;
179. the Behavioral Health Workforce Investment Fund;
180. the Human–Relevant Research Fund;
181. the Equitech Growth Fund;
182. the Maryland Forestry Education Fund;
183. the Transit–Oriented Development Capital Grant and Revolving Loan Fund;
184. the Local Land Trust Revolving Loan Fund;
185. the State Disaster Recovery Fund;
186. the Black Bass Conservation Fund;
187. the Non–Depository Special Fund;
188. the Teacher Retention and Development Fund;
189. the Protecting Against Hate Crimes Grant Fund;
190. the Fallen Transportation Workers Scholarship Fund;
191. the Maryland Geological Survey Fund;
192. the Access to Attorneys, Advocates, and Consultants for Special Education Fund;
193. the Rental Assistance for Community School Families Fund;
194. the Community Health and Safety Works Grant Program Fund;
195. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Capital Works Fund;
196. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Emergency Repair Fund;
197. the ENOUGH Grant Fund;
198. the Talent Innovation Fund;
199. the Climate Technology Founder’s Fund;
200. the Whole Watershed Fund;
201. the Radiation Emergency Response Fund;
202. the Victims of Domestic Violence Program Grant Fund; and
203. the Proposed Programs Collaborative Grant Fund.
(b) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Treasurer may invest separately or commingled in 1 or more pools amounts to be invested by law or regulation for State agencies.
(2) The Treasurer shall allocate net earnings on amounts commingled in a pool to the appropriate State agencies entitled to receive interest earnings under subsection (a) of this section.
§6–226. // EFFECTIVE JUNE 30, 2028 PER CHAPTER 364 OF 2021 //
(a) (1) Except as otherwise specifically provided by law or by regulation of the Treasurer, the Treasurer shall credit to the General Fund any interest on or other income from State money that the Treasurer invests.
(2) (i) 1. This subparagraph does not apply in fiscal years 2024 through 2028.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and unless inconsistent with a federal law, grant agreement, or other federal requirement or with the terms of a gift or settlement agreement, net interest on all State money allocated by the State Treasurer under this section to special funds or accounts, and otherwise entitled to receive interest earnings, as accounted for by the Comptroller, shall accrue to the General Fund of the State.
(ii) The provisions of subparagraph (i) of this paragraph do not apply to the following funds:
1. Maryland Housing Loan Funds of 1976, 1978, 1979, and 1984;
2. Microsoft Cost Share Fund;
3. Subsequent Injury Fund;
4. Uninsured Employers’ Fund;
5. Jane E. Lawton Conservation Loan Program;
6. Energy Overcharge Restitution Fund;
7. PEPCO/Connectiv Settlement Fund;
8. Baseball Capital Improvements Fund;
9. State Victims of Crime Fund;
10. Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Fund;
11. Victim and Witness Protection and Relocation Fund;
12. Unclaimed Restitution – Victims of Crime;
13. Justice Assistance Grant;
14. Byrne Justice Assistance Grant;
15. Maryland Election Modernization Fund;
16. Scriven Estate Fund;
17. Volunteer Company Assistance Fund;
18. Radoff Memorial Fund;
19. Archives Endowment Account within the Archives Fund;
20. Ellefson Endowment Fund;
21. Albert C. Ritchie Memorial Fund;
22. Senior Prescription Drug Assistance Program Fund;
23. Fair Campaign Financing Fund;
24. State Employees and Retirees Health and Welfare Benefits Fund;
25. Major Information Technology Development Project Fund;
26. State Retirement Agency Funds;
27. Postretirement Health Benefits Trust Fund;
28. Maryland Emergency Medical System Operations Fund;
29. State Wildlife Management and Protection Fund;
30. Fisheries Management and Protection Fund;
31. Ocean Beach Replenishment Fund;
32. Community Services Trust Fund;
33. Waiting List Equity Fund;
34. Health Care Coverage Fund;
35. Health Services Cost Review Commission Fund;
36. Hospital Uncompensated Care Fund;
37. funds in the accounts of Morgan State University;
38. funds in the accounts of St. Mary’s College of Maryland;
39. funds in the accounts of the University System of Maryland;
40. Maryland Prepaid College Trust Fund;
41. Nurse Support Program Assistance Fund;
42. funds in the accounts of the Baltimore City Community College;
43. Education Trust Fund;
44. Section 8 construction and administration funds administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development;
45. MacArthur Grant Fund;
46. all special funds within the Department of Commerce;
47. Maryland Water Quality Revolving Loan Fund;
48. Maryland Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund;
49. Bay Restoration Fund;
50. Migratory Game Bird Fund;
51. Deer Stamp Fund;
52. Wildlife Habitat Incentive Fund;
53. Fisheries Research and Development Fund;
54. Strategic Energy Investment Fund;
55. Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund;
56. 50% of the interest from the 9–1–1 Trust Fund;
57. all accounts within the State Reserve Fund;
58. local revenue accounts collected by the Judiciary;
59. Assistive Technology Loan Fund;
60. Veterans Trust Fund;
61. Transportation Trust Fund;
62. Foreclosed Property Registry Fund;
63. Asbestos Worker Protection Fund;
64. Maryland Innovation Initiative Fund;
65. Family Security Trust Fund, subject to § 7–4A–03(d) of the Health Occupations Article;
66. Baltimore City Community Enhancement Transit–Oriented Development Fund;
67. the Maryland Legal Services Corporation Fund;
68. Mortgage Loan Servicing Practices Settlement Fund;
69. Maryland Offshore Wind Business Development Fund;
70. the Maryland First Scholarship Fund;
71. Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission Fund;
72. the Spay/Neuter Fund;
73. State Brain Injury Trust Fund;
74. the Baltimore City Public School Construction Facilities Fund;
75. the Baltimore City Public School Construction Financing Fund;
76. the Prekindergarten Expansion Fund;
77. the Energy–Efficient Homes Construction Fund;
78. the Maryland E–Nnovation Initiative Fund;
79. the Innovation Investment Fund;
80. the Regional Advanced Manufacturing Partnership of Maryland Fund;
81. the Newborn Screening Program Fund;
82. the Economic Development Marketing Fund;
83. the Military Personnel and Veteran–Owned Small Business No–Interest Loan Fund;
84. the Baltimore Regional Neighborhood Initiative Program Fund;
85. the Strategic Demolition and Smart Growth Impact Fund;
86. the Seed Community Development Anchor Institution Fund;
87. the Next Generation Scholars of Maryland Program Fund;
88. the Construction Education and Innovation Fund;
89. the Uninsured Motorist Education and Enforcement Fund;
90. the Performance Incentive Grant Fund;
91. the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Fund;
92. the Community Program Fund;
93. the Addiction Treatment Divestiture Fund;
94. the Maryland Energy Innovation Fund;
95. the State Lakes Protection and Restoration Fund;
96. the National Capital Strategic Economic Development Fund;
97. the Advance Directive Program Fund;
98. the Make Office Vacancies Extinct Matching Fund;
99. the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Fund;
100. the School Construction Revolving Loan Fund;
101. the Safe Schools Fund;
102. the Maryland Violence Intervention and Prevention Program Fund;
103. the Computing Education and Professional Development Fund;
104. the Maryland Prenatal and Infant Care Grant Program Fund;
105. the Healthy School Facility Fund;
106. the Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Compassionate Use Fund;
107. the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission Fund;
108. the Supplemental Facilities Fund;
109. the Hemp Farming Fund;
110. the Prince George’s County Public–Private Partnership Fund;
111. the Zero–Emission Vehicle School Bus Transition Fund;
112. the Rape Kit Testing Grant Fund;
113. the Pedestrian Safety Fund;
114. the Legal Representation Fund for Title IX Proceedings;
115. the Student Peer Mediation Program Fund;
116. the Markell Hendricks Youth Crime Prevention and Diversion Parole Fund;
117. the Federal Government Shutdown Employee Assistance Loan Fund;
118. the Racing and Community Development Financing Fund;
119. the Racing and Community Development Facilities Fund;
120. the Supplemental Public School Construction Facilities Fund;
121. the Supplemental Public School Construction Financing Fund;
122. the Nancy K. Kopp Public School Facilities Priority Fund;
123. the Prescription Drug Affordability Fund;
124. the Maryland Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Incentive Matching Fund;
125. the Michael Erin Busch Sports Fund;
126. the Coordinated Community Supports Partnership Fund;
127. the Opioid Restitution Fund;
128. the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Reserve Fund;
129. the Rural Broadband Assistance Fund;
130. the Digital Inclusion Fund;
131. the Digital Connectivity Fund;
132. the K–9 Compassionate Care Fund;
133. the Maternal and Child Health Population Health Improvement Fund;
134. the Inclusion Fund;
135. the Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise Fund;
136. the Hagerstown Multi–Use Sports and Events Facility Fund;
137. the Pre–Seed Builder Fund;
138. the Resilient Maryland Revolving Loan Fund;
139. the Notary Public Fund;
140. the Health Equity Resource Community Reserve Fund;
141. the Access to Counsel in Evictions Special Fund;
142. the Homeowner Protection Fund;
143. the Maggie McIntosh School Arts Fund;
144. the Climate Catalytic Capital Fund;
145. the Park System Critical Maintenance Fund;
146. the Park System Capital Improvements and Acquisition Fund;
147. the Great Maryland Outdoors Fund;
148. the Abortion Care Clinical Training Program Fund;
149. the Sports Entertainment Facilities Financing Fund;
150. the Major Sports and Entertainment Event Program Fund;
151. the Prince George’s County Blue Line Corridor Facility Fund;
152. the Senator George C. Edwards Fund;
153. the 9–8–8 Trust Fund;
154. the Maryland AIDS Drug Assistance Program Fund;
155. the Local Cybersecurity Support Fund;
156. the Maryland Loan Assistance Repayment Program Fund for Nurses and Nursing Support Staff;
157. the Maryland Makerspace Initiative Fund;
158. the Sustainable Maryland Program Fund;
159. the On–Site Wastewater Professionals Fund;
160. the Child Care Capital Support Revolving Loan Fund;
161. the Maryland New Start Pilot Microloan Program Fund;
162. the Department of General Services Broker Rebate Fee Fund;
163. the Patient Safety Center Fund;
164. the False Claims Fund;
165. the Resiliency Hub Grant Program Fund;
166. the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Fund;
167. the Cannabis Business Assistance Fund;
168. the Cannabis Public Health Fund;
169. the Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund;
170. the Young Adult Service Year Option Pathway Fund;
171. the Maryland Service Year Option Pathway Fund;
172. the Maryland Racing Operations Fund;
173. the Camden Yards Baseball Sports Facility Supplemental Financing Fund;
174. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Supplemental Financing Fund;
175. the Bus Rapid Transit Fund;
176. the Cannabis Regulation and Enforcement Fund;
177. the Medical Cannabis Compassionate Use Fund;
178. the Behavioral Health Workforce Investment Fund;
179. the Human–Relevant Research Fund;
180. the Equitech Growth Fund;
181. the Maryland Forestry Education Fund;
182. the Transit–Oriented Devlopment Capital Grant and Revolving Loand Fund;
183. the Local Land Trust Revolving Loan Fund;
184. the State Disaster Recovery Fund;
185. the Black Bass Conservation Fund;
186. the Non–Depository Special Fund;
187. the Teacher Retention and Development Fund;
188. the Protecting Against Hate Crimes Grant Fund;
189. the Fallen Transportation Workers Scholarship Fund;
190. the Maryland Geological Survey Fund;
191. the Access to Attorneys, Advocates, and Consultants for Special Education Fund;
192. the Rental Assistance for Community School Families Fund;
193. the Community Health and Safety Works Grant Program Fund;
194. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Capital Works Fund;
195. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Emergency Repair Fund;
196. the ENOUGH Grant Fund;
197. the Talent Innovation Fund;
198. the Climate Technology Founder’s Fund;
199. the Whole Watershed Fund;
200. the Radiation Emergency Response Fund;
201. the Victims of Domestic Violence Program Grant Fund; and
202. the Proposed Programs Collaborative Grant Fund.
(b) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Treasurer may invest separately or commingled in 1 or more pools amounts to be invested by law or regulation for State agencies.
(2) The Treasurer shall allocate net earnings on amounts commingled in a pool to the appropriate State agencies entitled to receive interest earnings under subsection (a) of this section.
§6–226. // EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 30, 2028 PER CHAPTER 322 OF 2022 //
// EFFECTIVE UNTIL JUNE 30, 2029 PER CHAPTER 485 OF 2022 AND CHAPTER 627 OF 2023 AND CHAPTER 410 of 2024 //
(a) (1) Except as otherwise specifically provided by law or by regulation of the Treasurer, the Treasurer shall credit to the General Fund any interest on or other income from State money that the Treasurer invests.
(2) (i) 1. This subparagraph does not apply in fiscal years 2024 through 2028.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and unless inconsistent with a federal law, grant agreement, or other federal requirement or with the terms of a gift or settlement agreement, net interest on all State money allocated by the State Treasurer under this section to special funds or accounts, and otherwise entitled to receive interest earnings, as accounted for by the Comptroller, shall accrue to the General Fund of the State.
(ii) The provisions of subparagraph (i) of this paragraph do not apply to the following funds:
1. Maryland Housing Loan Funds of 1976, 1978, 1979, and 1984;
2. Microsoft Cost Share Fund;
3. Subsequent Injury Fund;
4. Uninsured Employers’ Fund;
5. Jane E. Lawton Conservation Loan Program;
6. Energy Overcharge Restitution Fund;
7. PEPCO/Connectiv Settlement Fund;
8. Baseball Capital Improvements Fund;
9. State Victims of Crime Fund;
10. Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Fund;
11. Victim and Witness Protection and Relocation Fund;
12. Unclaimed Restitution – Victims of Crime;
13. Justice Assistance Grant;
14. Byrne Justice Assistance Grant;
15. Maryland Election Modernization Fund;
16. Scriven Estate Fund;
17. Volunteer Company Assistance Fund;
18. Radoff Memorial Fund;
19. Archives Endowment Account within the Archives Fund;
20. Ellefson Endowment Fund;
21. Albert C. Ritchie Memorial Fund;
22. Senior Prescription Drug Assistance Program Fund;
23. Fair Campaign Financing Fund;
24. State Employees and Retirees Health and Welfare Benefits Fund;
25. Major Information Technology Development Project Fund;
26. State Retirement Agency Funds;
27. Postretirement Health Benefits Trust Fund;
28. Maryland Emergency Medical System Operations Fund;
29. State Wildlife Management and Protection Fund;
30. Fisheries Management and Protection Fund;
31. Ocean Beach Replenishment Fund;
32. Community Services Trust Fund;
33. Waiting List Equity Fund;
34. Health Care Coverage Fund;
35. Health Services Cost Review Commission Fund;
36. Hospital Uncompensated Care Fund;
37. funds in the accounts of Morgan State University;
38. funds in the accounts of St. Mary’s College of Maryland;
39. funds in the accounts of the University System of Maryland;
40. Maryland Prepaid College Trust Fund;
41. Nurse Support Program Assistance Fund;
42. funds in the accounts of the Baltimore City Community College;
43. Education Trust Fund;
44. Section 8 construction and administration funds administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development;
45. MacArthur Grant Fund;
46. all special funds within the Department of Commerce;
47. Maryland Water Quality Revolving Loan Fund;
48. Maryland Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund;
49. Bay Restoration Fund;
50. Migratory Game Bird Fund;
51. Deer Stamp Fund;
52. Wildlife Habitat Incentive Fund;
53. Fisheries Research and Development Fund;
54. Strategic Energy Investment Fund;
55. Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund;
56. 50% of the interest from the 9–1–1 Trust Fund;
57. all accounts within the State Reserve Fund;
58. local revenue accounts collected by the Judiciary;
59. Assistive Technology Loan Fund;
60. Veterans Trust Fund;
61. Transportation Trust Fund;
62. Foreclosed Property Registry Fund;
63. Asbestos Worker Protection Fund;
64. Maryland Innovation Initiative Fund;
65. Family Security Trust Fund, subject to § 7–4A–03(d) of the Health Occupations Article;
66. Baltimore City Community Enhancement Transit–Oriented Development Fund;
67. the Maryland Legal Services Corporation Fund;
68. Mortgage Loan Servicing Practices Settlement Fund;
69. Maryland Offshore Wind Business Development Fund;
70. the Maryland First Scholarship Fund;
71. Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission Fund;
72. the Spay/Neuter Fund;
73. State Brain Injury Trust Fund;
74. the Baltimore City Public School Construction Facilities Fund;
75. the Baltimore City Public School Construction Financing Fund;
76. the Prekindergarten Expansion Fund;
77. the Energy–Efficient Homes Construction Fund;
78. the Maryland E–Nnovation Initiative Fund;
79. the Innovation Investment Fund;
80. the Regional Advanced Manufacturing Partnership of Maryland Fund;
81. the Newborn Screening Program Fund;
82. the Economic Development Marketing Fund;
83. the Military Personnel and Veteran–Owned Small Business No–Interest Loan Fund;
84. the Baltimore Regional Neighborhood Initiative Program Fund;
85. the Strategic Demolition and Smart Growth Impact Fund;
86. the Seed Community Development Anchor Institution Fund;
87. the Next Generation Scholars of Maryland Program Fund;
88. the Construction Education and Innovation Fund;
89. the Uninsured Motorist Education and Enforcement Fund;
90. the Performance Incentive Grant Fund;
91. the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Fund;
92. the Community Program Fund;
93. the Addiction Treatment Divestiture Fund;
94. the Maryland Energy Innovation Fund;
95. the State Lakes Protection and Restoration Fund;
96. the National Capital Strategic Economic Development Fund;
97. the Advance Directive Program Fund;
98. the Make Office Vacancies Extinct Matching Fund;
99. the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Fund;
100. the School Construction Revolving Loan Fund;
101. the Safe Schools Fund;
102. the Maryland Violence Intervention and Prevention Program Fund;
103. the Computing Education and Professional Development Fund;
104. the Maryland Prenatal and Infant Care Grant Program Fund;
105. the Healthy School Facility Fund;
106. the Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Compassionate Use Fund;
107. the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission Fund;
108. the Supplemental Facilities Fund;
109. the Hemp Farming Fund;
110. the Prince George’s County Public–Private Partnership Fund;
111. the Zero–Emission Vehicle School Bus Transition Fund;
112. the Rape Kit Testing Grant Fund;
113. the Pedestrian Safety Fund;
114. the Legal Representation Fund for Title IX Proceedings;
115. the Student Peer Mediation Program Fund;
116. the Markell Hendricks Youth Crime Prevention and Diversion Parole Fund;
117. the Federal Government Shutdown Employee Assistance Loan Fund;
118. the Racing and Community Development Financing Fund;
119. the Racing and Community Development Facilities Fund;
120. the Supplemental Public School Construction Facilities Fund;
121. the Supplemental Public School Construction Financing Fund;
122. the Nancy K. Kopp Public School Facilities Priority Fund;
123. the Prescription Drug Affordability Fund;
124. the Maryland Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Incentive Matching Fund;
125. the Michael Erin Busch Sports Fund;
126. the Coordinated Community Supports Partnership Fund;
127. the Opioid Restitution Fund;
128. the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Reserve Fund;
129. the Rural Broadband Assistance Fund;
130. the Digital Inclusion Fund;
131. the Digital Connectivity Fund;
132. the K–9 Compassionate Care Fund;
133. the Maternal and Child Health Population Health Improvement Fund;
134. the Inclusion Fund;
135. the Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise Fund;
136. the Hagerstown Multi–Use Sports and Events Facility Fund;
137. the Pre–Seed Builder Fund;
138. the Resilient Maryland Revolving Loan Fund;
139. the Notary Public Fund;
140. the Health Equity Resource Community Reserve Fund;
141. the Access to Counsel in Evictions Special Fund;
142. the Homeowner Protection Fund;
143. the Maggie McIntosh School Arts Fund;
144. the Climate Catalytic Capital Fund;
145. the Park System Critical Maintenance Fund;
146. the Park System Capital Improvements and Acquisition Fund;
147. the Great Maryland Outdoors Fund;
148. the Abortion Care Clinical Training Program Fund;
149. the Sports Entertainment Facilities Financing Fund;
150. the Major Sports and Entertainment Event Program Fund;
151. the Prince George’s County Blue Line Corridor Facility Fund;
152. the Senator George C. Edwards Fund;
153. the 9–8–8 Trust Fund;
154. the Maryland AIDS Drug Assistance Program Fund;
155. the Local Cybersecurity Support Fund;
156. the Maryland Loan Assistance Repayment Program Fund for Nurses and Nursing Support Staff;
157. the Sustainable Maryland Program Fund;
158. the On–Site Wastewater Professionals Fund;
159. the Child Care Capital Support Revolving Loan Fund;
160. the Maryland New Start Pilot Microloan Program Fund;
161. the Department of General Services Broker Rebate Fee Fund;
162. the Patient Safety Center Fund;
163. the False Claims Fund;
164. the Resiliency Hub Grant Program Fund;
165. the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Fund;
166. the Cannabis Business Assistance Fund;
167. the Cannabis Public Health Fund;
168. the Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund;
169. the Young Adult Service Year Option Pathway Fund;
170. the Maryland Service Year Option Pathway Fund;
171. the Maryland Racing Operations Fund;
172. the Camden Yards Baseball Sports Facility Supplemental Financing Fund;
173. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Supplemental Financing Fund;
174. the Bus Rapid Transit Fund;
175. the Cannabis Regulation and Enforcement Fund;
176. the Medical Cannabis Compassionate Use Fund;
177. the Behavioral Health Workforce Investment Fund;
178. the Human–Relevant Research Fund;
179. the Equitech Growth Fund;
180. the Maryland Forestry Education Fund;
181. the Transit–Oriented Development Capital Grant and Revolving Loan Fund;
182. the Local Land Trust Revolving Loan Fund;
183. the State Disaster Recovery Fund;
184. the Black Bass Conservation Fund;
185. the Non–Depository Special Fund;
186. the Teacher Retention and Development Fund;
187. the Protecting Against Hate Crimes Grant Fund;
188. the Fallen Transportation Workers Scholarship Fund;
189. the Maryland Geological Survey Fund;
190. the Access to Attorneys, Advocates, and Consultants for Special Education Fund;
191. the Rental Assistance for Community School Families Fund;
192. the Community Health and Safety Works Grant Program Fund;
193. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Capital Works Fund;
194. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Emergency Repair Fund;
195. the ENOUGH Grant Fund;
196. the Talent Innovation Fund;
197. the Climate Technology Founder’s Fund;
198. the Whole Watershed Fund;
199. the Radiation Emergency Response Fund;
200. the Victims of Domestic Violence Program Grant Fund; and
201. the Proposed Programs Collaborative Grant Fund.
(b) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Treasurer may invest separately or commingled in 1 or more pools amounts to be invested by law or regulation for State agencies.
(2) The Treasurer shall allocate net earnings on amounts commingled in a pool to the appropriate State agencies entitled to receive interest earnings under subsection (a) of this section.
§6–226. // EFFECTIVE JUNE 30, 2029 PER CHAPTER 485 OF 2022 AND CHAPTER 627 OF 2023 //
(a) (1) Except as otherwise specifically provided by law or by regulation of the Treasurer, the Treasurer shall credit to the General Fund any interest on or other income from State money that the Treasurer invests.
(2) (i) 1. This subparagraph does not apply in fiscal years 2024 through 2028.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and unless inconsistent with a federal law, grant agreement, or other federal requirement or with the terms of a gift or settlement agreement, net interest on all State money allocated by the State Treasurer under this section to special funds or accounts, and otherwise entitled to receive interest earnings, as accounted for by the Comptroller, shall accrue to the General Fund of the State.
(ii) The provisions of subparagraph (i) of this paragraph do not apply to the following funds:
1. Maryland Housing Loan Funds of 1976, 1978, 1979, and 1984;
2. Microsoft Cost Share Fund;
3. Subsequent Injury Fund;
4. Uninsured Employers’ Fund;
5. Jane E. Lawton Conservation Loan Program;
6. Energy Overcharge Restitution Fund;
7. PEPCO/Connectiv Settlement Fund;
8. Baseball Capital Improvements Fund;
9. State Victims of Crime Fund;
10. Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Fund;
11. Victim and Witness Protection and Relocation Fund;
12. Unclaimed Restitution – Victims of Crime;
13. Justice Assistance Grant;
14. Byrne Justice Assistance Grant;
15. Maryland Election Modernization Fund;
16. Scriven Estate Fund;
17. Volunteer Company Assistance Fund;
18. Radoff Memorial Fund;
19. Archives Endowment Account within the Archives Fund;
20. Ellefson Endowment Fund;
21. Albert C. Ritchie Memorial Fund;
22. Senior Prescription Drug Assistance Program Fund;
23. Fair Campaign Financing Fund;
24. State Employees and Retirees Health and Welfare Benefits Fund;
25. Major Information Technology Development Project Fund;
26. State Retirement Agency Funds;
27. Postretirement Health Benefits Trust Fund;
28. Maryland Emergency Medical System Operations Fund;
29. State Wildlife Management and Protection Fund;
30. Fisheries Management and Protection Fund;
31. Ocean Beach Replenishment Fund;
32. Community Services Trust Fund;
33. Waiting List Equity Fund;
34. Health Care Coverage Fund;
35. Health Services Cost Review Commission Fund;
36. Hospital Uncompensated Care Fund;
37. funds in the accounts of Morgan State University;
38. funds in the accounts of St. Mary’s College of Maryland;
39. funds in the accounts of the University System of Maryland;
40. Maryland Prepaid College Trust Fund;
41. Nurse Support Program Assistance Fund;
42. funds in the accounts of the Baltimore City Community College;
43. Education Trust Fund;
44. Section 8 construction and administration funds administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development;
45. MacArthur Grant Fund;
46. all special funds within the Department of Commerce;
47. Maryland Water Quality Revolving Loan Fund;
48. Maryland Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund;
49. Bay Restoration Fund;
50. Migratory Game Bird Fund;
51. Deer Stamp Fund;
52. Wildlife Habitat Incentive Fund;
53. Fisheries Research and Development Fund;
54. Strategic Energy Investment Fund;
55. Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund;
56. 50% of the interest from the 9–1–1 Trust Fund;
57. all accounts within the State Reserve Fund;
58. local revenue accounts collected by the Judiciary;
59. Assistive Technology Loan Fund;
60. Veterans Trust Fund;
61. Transportation Trust Fund;
62. Foreclosed Property Registry Fund;
63. Asbestos Worker Protection Fund;
64. Maryland Innovation Initiative Fund;
65. Family Security Trust Fund, subject to § 7–4A–03(d) of the Health Occupations Article;
66. Baltimore City Community Enhancement Transit–Oriented Development Fund;
67. the Maryland Legal Services Corporation Fund;
68. Mortgage Loan Servicing Practices Settlement Fund;
69. Maryland Offshore Wind Business Development Fund;
70. the Maryland First Scholarship Fund;
71. Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission Fund;
72. the Spay/Neuter Fund;
73. State Brain Injury Trust Fund;
74. the Baltimore City Public School Construction Facilities Fund;
75. the Baltimore City Public School Construction Financing Fund;
76. the Prekindergarten Expansion Fund;
77. the Energy–Efficient Homes Construction Fund;
78. the Maryland E–Nnovation Initiative Fund;
79. the Innovation Investment Fund;
80. the Regional Advanced Manufacturing Partnership of Maryland Fund;
81. the Newborn Screening Program Fund;
82. the Economic Development Marketing Fund;
83. the Military Personnel and Veteran–Owned Small Business No–Interest Loan Fund;
84. the Baltimore Regional Neighborhood Initiative Program Fund;
85. the Strategic Demolition and Smart Growth Impact Fund;
86. the Seed Community Development Anchor Institution Fund;
87. the Next Generation Scholars of Maryland Program Fund;
88. the Construction Education and Innovation Fund;
89. the Uninsured Motorist Education and Enforcement Fund;
90. the Performance Incentive Grant Fund;
91. the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Fund;
92. the Community Program Fund;
93. the Addiction Treatment Divestiture Fund;
94. the Maryland Energy Innovation Fund;
95. the State Lakes Protection and Restoration Fund;
96. the National Capital Strategic Economic Development Fund;
97. the Advance Directive Program Fund;
98. the Make Office Vacancies Extinct Matching Fund;
99. the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Fund;
100. the School Construction Revolving Loan Fund;
101. the Safe Schools Fund;
102. the Maryland Violence Intervention and Prevention Program Fund;
103. the Computing Education and Professional Development Fund;
104. the Maryland Prenatal and Infant Care Grant Program Fund;
105. the Healthy School Facility Fund;
106. the Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Compassionate Use Fund;
107. the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission Fund;
108. the Supplemental Facilities Fund;
109. the Hemp Farming Fund;
110. the Prince George’s County Public–Private Partnership Fund;
111. the Zero–Emission Vehicle School Bus Transition Fund;
112. the Rape Kit Testing Grant Fund;
113. the Pedestrian Safety Fund;
114. the Legal Representation Fund for Title IX Proceedings;
115. the Student Peer Mediation Program Fund;
116. the Markell Hendricks Youth Crime Prevention and Diversion Parole Fund;
117. the Federal Government Shutdown Employee Assistance Loan Fund;
118. the Racing and Community Development Financing Fund;
119. the Racing and Community Development Facilities Fund;
120. the Supplemental Public School Construction Facilities Fund;
121. the Supplemental Public School Construction Financing Fund;
122. the Nancy K. Kopp Public School Facilities Priority Fund;
123. the Prescription Drug Affordability Fund;
124. the Maryland Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Incentive Matching Fund;
125. the Michael Erin Busch Sports Fund;
126. the Coordinated Community Supports Partnership Fund;
127. the Opioid Restitution Fund;
128. the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Reserve Fund;
129. the Rural Broadband Assistance Fund;
130. the Digital Inclusion Fund;
131. the Digital Connectivity Fund;
132. the K–9 Compassionate Care Fund;
133. the Maternal and Child Health Population Health Improvement Fund;
134. the Inclusion Fund;
135. the Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise Fund;
136. the Hagerstown Multi–Use Sports and Events Facility Fund;
137. the Pre–Seed Builder Fund;
138. the Resilient Maryland Revolving Loan Fund;
139. the Notary Public Fund;
140. the Health Equity Resource Community Reserve Fund;
141. the Access to Counsel in Evictions Special Fund;
142. the Homeowner Protection Fund;
143. the Maggie McIntosh School Arts Fund;
144. the Climate Catalytic Capital Fund;
145. the Park System Critical Maintenance Fund;
146. the Park System Capital Improvements and Acquisition Fund;
147. the Great Maryland Outdoors Fund;
148. the Abortion Care Clinical Training Program Fund;
149. the Sports Entertainment Facilities Financing Fund;
150. the Major Sports and Entertainment Event Program Fund;
151. the Prince George’s County Blue Line Corridor Facility Fund;
152. the Senator George C. Edwards Fund;
153. the 9–8–8 Trust Fund;
154. the Maryland AIDS Drug Assistance Program Fund;
155. the Local Cybersecurity Support Fund;
156. the Maryland Loan Assistance Repayment Program Fund for Nurses and Nursing Support Staff;
157. the Sustainable Maryland Program Fund;
158. the On–Site Wastewater Professionals Fund;
159. the Child Care Capital Support Revolving Loan Fund;
160. the Department of General Services Broker Rebate Fee Fund;
161. the Patient Safety Center Fund;
162. the False Claims Fund;
163. the Resiliency Hub Grant Program Fund;
164. the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Fund;
165. the Cannabis Business Assistance Fund;
166. the Cannabis Public Health Fund;
167. the Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund;
168. the Young Adult Service Year Option Pathway Fund;
169. the Maryland Service Year Option Pathway Fund;
170. the Camden Yards Baseball Sports Facility Supplemental Financing Fund;
171. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Supplemental Financing Fund;
172. the Bus Rapid Transit Fund;
173. the Cannabis Regulation and Enforcement Fund;
174. the Medical Cannabis Compassionate Use Fund;
175. the Behavioral Health Workforce Investment Fund;
176. the Human–Relevant Research Fund;
177. the Equitech Growth Fund;
178. the Maryland Forestry Education Fund;
179. the Local Land Trust Revolving Loan Fund;
180. the State Disaster Recovery Fund;
181. the Black Bass Conservation Fund;
182. the Non–Depository Special Fund;
183. the Teacher Retention and Development Fund;
184. the Protecting Against Hate Crimes Grant Fund;
185. the Fallen Transportation Workers Scholarship Fund;
186. the Maryland Geological Survey Fund;
187. the Access to Attorneys, Advocates, and Consultants for Special Education Fund;
188. the Rental Assistance for Community School Families Fund;
189. the Community Health and Safety Works Grant Program Fund;
190. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Capital Works Fund;
191. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Emergency Repair Fund;
192. the ENOUGH Grant Fund;
193. the Talent Innovation Fund;
194. the Climate Technology Founder’s Fund;
195. the Whole Watershed Fund;
196. the Radiation Emergency Response Fund;
197. the Victims of Domestic Violence Program Grant Fund; and
198. the Proposed Programs Collaborative Grant Fund.
(b) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Treasurer may invest separately or commingled in 1 or more pools amounts to be invested by law or regulation for State agencies.
(2) The Treasurer shall allocate net earnings on amounts commingled in a pool to the appropriate State agencies entitled to receive interest earnings under subsection (a) of this section.
§6–226. // EFFECTIVE JUNE 30, 2030 PER CHAPTER 74 OF 2021 //
(a) (1) Except as otherwise specifically provided by law or by regulation of the Treasurer, the Treasurer shall credit to the General Fund any interest on or other income from State money that the Treasurer invests.
(2) (i) 1. This subparagraph does not apply in fiscal years 2024 through 2028.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and unless inconsistent with a federal law, grant agreement, or other federal requirement or with the terms of a gift or settlement agreement, net interest on all State money allocated by the State Treasurer under this section to special funds or accounts, and otherwise entitled to receive interest earnings, as accounted for by the Comptroller, shall accrue to the General Fund of the State.
(ii) The provisions of subparagraph (i) of this paragraph do not apply to the following funds:
1. Maryland Housing Loan Funds of 1976, 1978, 1979, and 1984;
2. Microsoft Cost Share Fund;
3. Subsequent Injury Fund;
4. Uninsured Employers’ Fund;
5. Jane E. Lawton Conservation Loan Program;
6. Energy Overcharge Restitution Fund;
7. PEPCO/Connectiv Settlement Fund;
8. Baseball Capital Improvements Fund;
9. State Victims of Crime Fund;
10. Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Fund;
11. Victim and Witness Protection and Relocation Fund;
12. Unclaimed Restitution – Victims of Crime;
13. Justice Assistance Grant;
14. Byrne Justice Assistance Grant;
15. Maryland Election Modernization Fund;
16. Scriven Estate Fund;
17. Volunteer Company Assistance Fund;
18. Radoff Memorial Fund;
19. Archives Endowment Account within the Archives Fund;
20. Ellefson Endowment Fund;
21. Albert C. Ritchie Memorial Fund;
22. Senior Prescription Drug Assistance Program Fund;
23. Fair Campaign Financing Fund;
24. State Employees and Retirees Health and Welfare Benefits Fund;
25. Major Information Technology Development Project Fund;
26. State Retirement Agency Funds;
27. Postretirement Health Benefits Trust Fund;
28. Maryland Emergency Medical System Operations Fund;
29. State Wildlife Management and Protection Fund;
30. Fisheries Management and Protection Fund;
31. Ocean Beach Replenishment Fund;
32. Community Services Trust Fund;
33. Waiting List Equity Fund;
34. Health Care Coverage Fund;
35. Health Services Cost Review Commission Fund;
36. Hospital Uncompensated Care Fund;
37. funds in the accounts of Morgan State University;
38. funds in the accounts of St. Mary’s College of Maryland;
39. funds in the accounts of the University System of Maryland;
40. Maryland Prepaid College Trust Fund;
41. Nurse Support Program Assistance Fund;
42. funds in the accounts of the Baltimore City Community College;
43. Education Trust Fund;
44. Section 8 construction and administration funds administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development;
45. MacArthur Grant Fund;
46. all special funds within the Department of Commerce;
47. Maryland Water Quality Revolving Loan Fund;
48. Maryland Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund;
49. Bay Restoration Fund;
50. Migratory Game Bird Fund;
51. Deer Stamp Fund;
52. Wildlife Habitat Incentive Fund;
53. Fisheries Research and Development Fund;
54. Strategic Energy Investment Fund;
55. Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund;
56. 50% of the interest from the 9–1–1 Trust Fund;
57. all accounts within the State Reserve Fund;
58. local revenue accounts collected by the Judiciary;
59. Assistive Technology Loan Fund;
60. Veterans Trust Fund;
61. Transportation Trust Fund;
62. Foreclosed Property Registry Fund;
63. Asbestos Worker Protection Fund;
64. Maryland Innovation Initiative Fund;
65. Family Security Trust Fund, subject to § 7–4A–03(d) of the Health Occupations Article;
66. Baltimore City Community Enhancement Transit–Oriented Development Fund;
67. the Maryland Legal Services Corporation Fund;
68. Mortgage Loan Servicing Practices Settlement Fund;
69. Maryland Offshore Wind Business Development Fund;
70. the Maryland First Scholarship Fund;
71. Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission Fund;
72. the Spay/Neuter Fund;
73. State Brain Injury Trust Fund;
74. the Baltimore City Public School Construction Facilities Fund;
75. the Baltimore City Public School Construction Financing Fund;
76. the Prekindergarten Expansion Fund;
77. the Energy–Efficient Homes Construction Fund;
78. the Maryland E–Nnovation Initiative Fund;
79. the Innovation Investment Fund;
80. the Regional Advanced Manufacturing Partnership of Maryland Fund;
81. the Newborn Screening Program Fund;
82. the Economic Development Marketing Fund;
83. the Military Personnel and Veteran–Owned Small Business No–Interest Loan Fund;
84. the Baltimore Regional Neighborhood Initiative Program Fund;
85. the Strategic Demolition and Smart Growth Impact Fund;
86. the Seed Community Development Anchor Institution Fund;
87. the Next Generation Scholars of Maryland Program Fund;
88. the Construction Education and Innovation Fund;
89. the Uninsured Motorist Education and Enforcement Fund;
90. the Performance Incentive Grant Fund;
91. the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Fund;
92. the Community Program Fund;
93. the Addiction Treatment Divestiture Fund;
94. the Maryland Energy Innovation Fund;
95. the State Lakes Protection and Restoration Fund;
96. the National Capital Strategic Economic Development Fund;
97. the Advance Directive Program Fund;
98. the Make Office Vacancies Extinct Matching Fund;
99. the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Fund;
100. the School Construction Revolving Loan Fund;
101. the Safe Schools Fund;
102. the Maryland Violence Intervention and Prevention Program Fund;
103. the Computing Education and Professional Development Fund;
104. the Maryland Prenatal and Infant Care Grant Program Fund;
105. the Healthy School Facility Fund;
106. the Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Compassionate Use Fund;
107. the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission Fund;
108. the Supplemental Facilities Fund;
109. the Hemp Farming Fund;
110. the Prince George’s County Public–Private Partnership Fund;
111. the Zero–Emission Vehicle School Bus Transition Fund;
112. the Rape Kit Testing Grant Fund;
113. the Pedestrian Safety Fund;
114. the Legal Representation Fund for Title IX Proceedings;
115. the Student Peer Mediation Program Fund;
116. the Markell Hendricks Youth Crime Prevention and Diversion Parole Fund;
117. the Federal Government Shutdown Employee Assistance Loan Fund;
118. the Racing and Community Development Financing Fund;
119. the Racing and Community Development Facilities Fund;
120. the Supplemental Public School Construction Facilities Fund;
121. the Supplemental Public School Construction Financing Fund;
122. the Nancy K. Kopp Public School Facilities Priority Fund;
123. the Prescription Drug Affordability Fund;
124. the Maryland Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Incentive Matching Fund;
125. the Michael Erin Busch Sports Fund;
126. the Coordinated Community Supports Partnership Fund;
127. the Opioid Restitution Fund;
128. the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Reserve Fund;
129. the K–9 Compassionate Care Fund;
130. the Maternal and Child Health Population Health Improvement Fund;
131. the Inclusion Fund;
132. the Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise Fund;
133. the Hagerstown Multi–Use Sports and Events Facility Fund;
134. the Pre–Seed Builder Fund;
135. the Resilient Maryland Revolving Loan Fund;
136. the Notary Public Fund;
137. the Health Equity Resource Community Reserve Fund;
138. the Access to Counsel in Evictions Special Fund;
139. the Homeowner Protection Fund;
140. the Maggie McIntosh School Arts Fund;
141. the Climate Catalytic Capital Fund;
142. the Park System Critical Maintenance Fund;
143. the Park System Capital Improvements and Acquisition Fund;
144. the Great Maryland Outdoors Fund;
145. the Abortion Care Clinical Training Program Fund;
146. the Sports Entertainment Facilities Financing Fund;
147. the Major Sports and Entertainment Event Program Fund;
148. the Prince George’s County Blue Line Corridor Facility Fund;
149. the Senator George C. Edwards Fund;
150. the 9–8–8 Trust Fund;
151. the Maryland AIDS Drug Assistance Program Fund;
152. the Local Cybersecurity Support Fund;
153. the Maryland Loan Assistance Repayment Program Fund for Nurses and Nursing Support Staff;
154. the Sustainable Maryland Program Fund;
155. the On–Site Wastewater Professionals Fund;
156. the Child Care Capital Support Revolving Loan Fund;
157. the Department of General Services Broker Rebate Fee Fund;
158. the Patient Safety Center Fund;
159. the False Claims Fund;
160. the Resiliency Hub Grant Program Fund;
161. the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Fund;
162. the Cannabis Business Assistance Fund;
163. the Cannabis Public Health Fund;
164. the Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund;
165. the Young Adult Service Year Option Pathway Fund;
166. the Maryland Service Year Option Pathway Fund;
167. the Camden Yards Baseball Sports Facility Supplemental Financing Fund;
168. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Supplemental Financing Fund;
169. the Bus Rapid Transit Fund;
170. the Cannabis Regulation and Enforcement Fund;
171. the Medical Cannabis Compassionate Use Fund;
172. the Behavioral Health Workforce Investment Fund;
173. the Human–Relevant Research Fund;
174. the Equitech Growth Fund;
175. the Maryland Forestry Education Fund;
176. the Local Land Trust Revolving Loan Fund;
177. the State Disaster Recovery Fund;
178. the Black Bass Conservation Fund;
179. the Non–Depository Special Fund;
180. the Protecting Against Hate Crimes Grant Fund;
181. the Fallen Transportation Workers Scholarship Fund;
182. the Maryland Geological Survey Fund;
183. the Access to Attorneys, Advocates, and Consultants for Special Education Fund;
184. the Rental Assistance for Community School Families Fund;
185. the Community Health and Safety Works Grant Program Fund;
186. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Capital Works Fund;
187. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Emergency Repair Fund;
188. the ENOUGH Grant Fund;
189. the Talent Innovation Fund;
190. the Climate Technology Founder’s Fund;
191. the Whole Watershed Fund;
192. the Radiation Emergency Response Fund;
193. the Victims of Domestic Violence Program Grant Fund; and
194. the Proposed Programs Collaborative Grant Fund.
(b) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Treasurer may invest separately or commingled in 1 or more pools amounts to be invested by law or regulation for State agencies.
(2) The Treasurer shall allocate net earnings on amounts commingled in a pool to the appropriate State agencies entitled to receive interest earnings under subsection (a) of this section.
§6–226. // EFFECTIVE JUNE 30, 2032 PER CHAPTER 92 OF 2022//
(a) (1) Except as otherwise specifically provided by law or by regulation of the Treasurer, the Treasurer shall credit to the General Fund any interest on or other income from State money that the Treasurer invests.
(2) (i) 1. This subparagraph does not apply in fiscal years 2024 through 2028.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and unless inconsistent with a federal law, grant agreement, or other federal requirement or with the terms of a gift or settlement agreement, net interest on all State money allocated by the State Treasurer under this section to special funds or accounts, and otherwise entitled to receive interest earnings, as accounted for by the Comptroller, shall accrue to the General Fund of the State.
(ii) The provisions of subparagraph (i) of this paragraph do not apply to the following funds:
1. Maryland Housing Loan Funds of 1976, 1978, 1979, and 1984;
2. Microsoft Cost Share Fund;
3. Subsequent Injury Fund;
4. Uninsured Employers’ Fund;
5. Jane E. Lawton Conservation Loan Program;
6. Energy Overcharge Restitution Fund;
7. PEPCO/Connectiv Settlement Fund;
8. Baseball Capital Improvements Fund;
9. State Victims of Crime Fund;
10. Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Fund;
11. Victim and Witness Protection and Relocation Fund;
12. Unclaimed Restitution – Victims of Crime;
13. Justice Assistance Grant;
14. Byrne Justice Assistance Grant;
15. Maryland Election Modernization Fund;
16. Scriven Estate Fund;
17. Volunteer Company Assistance Fund;
18. Radoff Memorial Fund;
19. Archives Endowment Account within the Archives Fund;
20. Ellefson Endowment Fund;
21. Albert C. Ritchie Memorial Fund;
22. Senior Prescription Drug Assistance Program Fund;
23. Fair Campaign Financing Fund;
24. State Employees and Retirees Health and Welfare Benefits Fund;
25. Major Information Technology Development Project Fund;
26. State Retirement Agency Funds;
27. Postretirement Health Benefits Trust Fund;
28. Maryland Emergency Medical System Operations Fund;
29. State Wildlife Management and Protection Fund;
30. Fisheries Management and Protection Fund;
31. Ocean Beach Replenishment Fund;
32. Community Services Trust Fund;
33. Waiting List Equity Fund;
34. Health Care Coverage Fund;
35. Health Services Cost Review Commission Fund;
36. Hospital Uncompensated Care Fund;
37. funds in the accounts of Morgan State University;
38. funds in the accounts of St. Mary’s College of Maryland;
39. funds in the accounts of the University System of Maryland;
40. Maryland Prepaid College Trust Fund;
41. Nurse Support Program Assistance Fund;
42. funds in the accounts of the Baltimore City Community College;
43. Education Trust Fund;
44. Section 8 construction and administration funds administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development;
45. MacArthur Grant Fund;
46. all special funds within the Department of Commerce;
47. Maryland Water Quality Revolving Loan Fund;
48. Maryland Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund;
49. Bay Restoration Fund;
50. Migratory Game Bird Fund;
51. Deer Stamp Fund;
52. Wildlife Habitat Incentive Fund;
53. Fisheries Research and Development Fund;
54. Strategic Energy Investment Fund;
55. Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund;
56. 50% of the interest from the 9–1–1 Trust Fund;
57. all accounts within the State Reserve Fund;
58. local revenue accounts collected by the Judiciary;
59. Assistive Technology Loan Fund;
60. Veterans Trust Fund;
61. Transportation Trust Fund;
62. Foreclosed Property Registry Fund;
63. Asbestos Worker Protection Fund;
64. Maryland Innovation Initiative Fund;
65. Family Security Trust Fund, subject to § 7–4A–03(d) of the Health Occupations Article;
66. Baltimore City Community Enhancement Transit–Oriented Development Fund;
67. the Maryland Legal Services Corporation Fund;
68. Mortgage Loan Servicing Practices Settlement Fund;
69. Maryland Offshore Wind Business Development Fund;
70. the Maryland First Scholarship Fund;
71. Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission Fund;
72. State Brain Injury Trust Fund;
73. the Baltimore City Public School Construction Facilities Fund;
74. the Baltimore City Public School Construction Financing Fund;
75. the Prekindergarten Expansion Fund;
76. the Energy–Efficient Homes Construction Fund;
77. the Maryland E–Nnovation Initiative Fund;
78. the Innovation Investment Fund;
79. the Regional Advanced Manufacturing Partnership of Maryland Fund;
80. the Newborn Screening Program Fund;
81. the Economic Development Marketing Fund;
82. the Military Personnel and Veteran–Owned Small Business No–Interest Loan Fund;
83. the Baltimore Regional Neighborhood Initiative Program Fund;
84. the Strategic Demolition and Smart Growth Impact Fund;
85. the Seed Community Development Anchor Institution Fund;
86. the Next Generation Scholars of Maryland Program Fund;
87. the Construction Education and Innovation Fund;
88. the Uninsured Motorist Education and Enforcement Fund;
89. the Performance Incentive Grant Fund;
90. the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Fund;
91. the Community Program Fund;
92. the Addiction Treatment Divestiture Fund;
93. the Maryland Energy Innovation Fund;
94. the State Lakes Protection and Restoration Fund;
95. the National Capital Strategic Economic Development Fund;
96. the Advance Directive Program Fund;
97. the Make Office Vacancies Extinct Matching Fund;
98. the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Fund;
99. the School Construction Revolving Loan Fund;
100. the Safe Schools Fund;
101. the Maryland Violence Intervention and Prevention Program Fund;
102. the Computing Education and Professional Development Fund;
103. the Maryland Prenatal and Infant Care Grant Program Fund;
104. the Healthy School Facility Fund;
105. the Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Compassionate Use Fund;
106. the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission Fund;
107. the Supplemental Facilities Fund;
108. the Hemp Farming Fund;
109. the Prince George’s County Public–Private Partnership Fund;
110. the Zero–Emission Vehicle School Bus Transition Fund;
111. the Rape Kit Testing Grant Fund;
112. the Pedestrian Safety Fund;
113. the Legal Representation Fund for Title IX Proceedings;
114. the Student Peer Mediation Program Fund;
115. the Markell Hendricks Youth Crime Prevention and Diversion Parole Fund;
116. the Federal Government Shutdown Employee Assistance Loan Fund;
117. the Racing and Community Development Financing Fund;
118. the Racing and Community Development Facilities Fund;
119. the Supplemental Public School Construction Facilities Fund;
120. the Supplemental Public School Construction Financing Fund;
121. the Nancy K. Kopp Public School Facilities Priority Fund;
122. the Prescription Drug Affordability Fund;
123. the Maryland Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Incentive Matching Fund;
124. the Michael Erin Busch Sports Fund;
125. the Coordinated Community Supports Partnership Fund;
126. the Opioid Restitution Fund;
127. the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Reserve Fund;
128. the K–9 Compassionate Care Fund;
129. the Maternal and Child Health Population Health Improvement Fund;
130. the Inclusion Fund;
131. the Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise Fund;
132. the Hagerstown Multi–Use Sports and Events Facility Fund;
133. the Pre–Seed Builder Fund;
134. the Resilient Maryland Revolving Loan Fund;
135. the Notary Public Fund;
136. the Health Equity Resource Community Reserve Fund;
137. the Access to Counsel in Evictions Special Fund;
138. the Homeowner Protection Fund;
139. the Maggie McIntosh School Arts Fund;
140. the Climate Catalytic Capital Fund;
141. the Park System Critical Maintenance Fund;
142. the Park System Capital Improvements and Acquisition Fund;
143. the Great Maryland Outdoors Fund;
144. the Abortion Care Clinical Training Program Fund;
145. the Sports Entertainment Facilities Financing Fund;
146. the Major Sports and Entertainment Event Program Fund;
147. the Prince George’s County Blue Line Corridor Facility Fund;
148. the Senator George C. Edwards Fund;
149. the 9–8–8 Trust Fund;
150. the Maryland AIDS Drug Assistance Program Fund;
151. the Local Cybersecurity Support Fund;
152. the Maryland Loan Assistance Repayment Program Fund for Nurses and Nursing Support Staff;
153. the Sustainable Maryland Program Fund;
154. the On–Site Wastewater Professionals Fund;
155. the Child Care Capital Support Revolving Loan Fund;
156. the Department of General Services Broker Rebate Fee Fund;
157. the Patient Safety Center Fund;
158. the False Claims Fund;
159. the Resiliency Hub Grant Program Fund;
160. the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Fund;
161. the Cannabis Business Assistance Fund;
162. the Cannabis Public Health Fund;
163. the Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund;
164. the Young Adult Service Year Option Pathway Fund;
165. the Maryland Service Year Option Pathway Fund;
166. the Camden Yards Baseball Sports Facility Supplemental Financing Fund;
167. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Supplemental Financing Fund;
168. the Bus Rapid Transit Fund;
169. the Cannabis Regulation and Enforcement Fund;
170. the Medical Cannabis Compassionate Use Fund;
171. the Behavioral Health Workforce Investment Fund;
172. the Human–Relevant Research Fund;
173. the Equitech Growth Fund;
174. the Maryland Forestry Education Fund;
175. the Local Land Trust Revolving Loan Fund;
176. the State Disaster Recovery Fund;
177. the Black Bass Conservation Fund;
178. the Non–Depository Special Fund;
179. the Protecting Against Hate Crimes Grant Fund;
180. the Fallen Transportation Workers Scholarship Fund;
181. the Maryland Geological Survey Fund;
182. the Access to Attorneys, Advocates, and Consultants for Special Education Fund;
183. the Rental Assistance for Community School Families Fund;
184. the Community Health and Safety Works Grant Program Fund;
185. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Capital Works Fund;
186. the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Emergency Repair Fund;
187. the ENOUGH Grant Fund;
188. the Talent Innovation Fund;
189. the Climate Technology Founder’s Fund;
190. the Whole Watershed Fund;
191. the Radiation Emergency Response Fund;
192. the Victims of Domestic Violence Program Grant Fund; and
193. the Proposed Programs Collaborative Grant Fund.
(b) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Treasurer may invest separately or commingled in 1 or more pools amounts to be invested by law or regulation for State agencies.
(2) The Treasurer shall allocate net earnings on amounts commingled in a pool to the appropriate State agencies entitled to receive interest earnings under subsection (a) of this section.
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