Statutes Text
Article - State Government
(a) A fiscal/compliance audit conducted by the Office of Legislative Audits shall include:
(1) examining financial transactions and records and internal controls;
(2) evaluating compliance with applicable laws and regulations;
(3) examining electronic data processing operations; and
(4) evaluating compliance with applicable laws and regulations relating to the acquisition of goods and services from Maryland Correctional Enterprises.
(b) A performance audit conducted by the Office of Legislative Audits may include:
(1) evaluating the efficiency, effectiveness, and economy with which resources are used;
(2) determining whether desired program results are achieved; and
(3) determining the reliability of performance measures, as defined in § 3–1001(g) of the State Finance and Procurement Article, identified in:
(i) the managing for results agency strategic plan developed under § 3–1002(c) of the State Finance and Procurement Article; or
(ii) the StateStat agency strategic plan developed under § 3–1003(d) of the State Finance and Procurement Article.
(c) The purpose of financial statement audits conducted by the Office of Legislative Audits shall be to express an opinion regarding the fairness of the presentation of a unit’s financial statements.
(d) The audits referred to in subsections (a), (b), and (c) of this section shall be conducted in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards.
(e) (1) Upon approval of the Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee, the Office of Legislative Audits shall develop and use a rating system that is based on the results of a fiscal/compliance audit to determine an overall evaluation of a unit’s financial transactions, records, and internal controls and compliance with applicable laws and regulations as a means of comparing the various units of State government.
(2) When an evaluation is issued, it shall be provided to the unit and shall be available to the Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee and the Budget Committees of the Maryland General Assembly.
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