Statutes Text
Article - State Government
(a) (1) There is a Young Adult Service Year Option Pathway in the Program.
(2) The purpose of the Young Adult Service Year Option Pathway is to:
(i) provide service placements to eligible young adults as an additional option to immediately pursuing postsecondary education or career and technical training;
(ii) equip corps participants with professional development, mentoring, job training, financial literacy skills, and other supports while working in high–impact service placements;
(iii) assist in addressing the State’s greatest challenges by channeling the next generation of Maryland citizens into impactful public service; and
(iv) strengthen a pipeline of talent into State and local governments to fill present and future staffing needs.
(b) An individual may apply to the Department for a service placement in the YA Pathway under this section if the individual is:
(1) a Maryland resident on submission of application; and
(2) within 3 years of graduation from high school or having obtained a similar level of education completion, including an individual who has obtained a:
(i) Maryland high school diploma;
(ii) Maryland high school diploma by examination; or
(iii) Maryland High School Certificate of Program Completion.
(c) (1) The Department shall set targets for participation in the YA Pathway under this section, including:
(i) 200 corps participants in the first year of implementation; and
(ii) 2,000 corps participants in the fourth year of implementation.
(2) The Department shall prioritize for participation in the YA Pathway under this section:
(i) individuals historically underrepresented in:
1. higher education enrollment or completion; or
2. employment:
A. by large–scale and community employers;
B. by participating organizations; or
C. in professions and occupations that require licensure or certification; and
(ii) organizations that provide wraparound services to corps participants.
(d) The Department shall develop focus areas for the YA Pathway under this section for the purpose of addressing priority State and community issues, including:
(1) climate;
(2) education; and
(3) health.
(e) A corps participant who receives a service placement in the YA Pathway under this section shall:
(1) participate in all training related to the service placement;
(2) work at least 30 hours per week;
(3) be partnered with an on–site mentor;
(4) perform the duties of the service placement to the satisfaction of the participating organization and the Department;
(5) participate in Program–wide events;
(6) be paid $15 per hour or the State minimum wage, whichever is greater, for mandatory work hours or mandatory Program activities; and
(7) on completion of the Program, be notified of all available post–Program opportunities, including registered apprenticeships.
(f) The Department shall promote and publicize the availability of opportunities in the YA Pathway to:
(1) high schools and adult high schools in the State;
(2) community and nonprofit organizations;
(3) faith–based institutions; and
(4) employers that are potential service placement providers.
(g) (1) There is a Young Adult Service Year Option Pathway Fund.
(2) The purpose of the YA Pathway Fund is to:
(i) provide stipends to corps participants with a service placement in the YA Pathway under this section;
(ii) pay the costs to administer and promote the YA Pathway under the Program; and
(iii) assist in the creation of additional corps programs under § 21–207 of this subtitle.
(3) The Department shall administer the YA Pathway Fund.
(4) Except as provided in paragraph (9) of this subsection, the YA Pathway Fund is a continuing, nonlapsing fund that is not subject to § 7–302 of the State Finance and Procurement Article.
(5) (i) The State Treasurer shall hold the YA Pathway Fund separately and shall invest the money in the YA Pathway Fund in the same manner as other State money may be invested.
(ii) Any investment earnings of the YA Pathway Fund shall be credited to the Fund.
(6) The Comptroller shall separately account for each source for the YA Pathway Fund.
(7) The Department:
(i) may accept any gift or grant from any person for the YA Pathway Fund;
(ii) shall use any gift or grant that it receives for the purposes listed under paragraph (2) of this subsection; and
(iii) shall deposit with the State Treasurer any gift or grant that it receives for the YA Pathway Fund.
(8) The YA Pathway Fund consists of:
(i) money appropriated to the YA Pathway Fund under the Program in the State budget;
(ii) gifts or grants received by the Department for the YA Pathway Fund;
(iii) investment earnings of the YA Pathway Fund; and
(iv) any other money from any other source accepted for the benefit of the YA Pathway Fund.
(9) (i) Except as provided in subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph, any unspent State appropriation of the YA Pathway Fund shall revert to the General Fund of the State at the end of the fiscal year.
(ii) For fiscal years 2024 through 2026, any unspent portion of the YA Pathway Fund may not be transferred or revert to the General Fund of the State but shall remain in the YA Pathway Fund to be used for the purposes specified in this subtitle.
(10) Beginning with fiscal year 2024, at the end of each fiscal year, the Department shall prepare an annual report of the YA Pathway Fund that includes:
(i) an accounting of all financial receipts and expenditures to and from the YA Pathway Fund; and
(ii) the following information:
1. the total number of corps participants disaggregated by demographic categories;
2. the total annual cost of the YA Pathway disaggregated by the source of the funds;
3. corps participant transition after Program completion into higher education, postsecondary education, full–time employment, registered apprenticeships, and any other post–Program opportunity;
4. the number of corps participants employed by State or local government agencies after completion of the Program; and
5. to the extent practicable, what former corps participants are doing 1 year, 2 years, and 5 years after completing the Program.
(11) The YA Pathway Fund is subject to audit by the Office of Legislative Audits in accordance with § 2–1220 of this article.
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