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Statutes Text

Article - Transportation


    (a)    If any individual who has applied for or obtained a driver’s license under this subtitle moves from the address given in the application or shown on the license, the individual shall, within 30 days of the change, notify the Administration in writing of the former address and new address and the identifying number of any license issued to the individual.

    (b)    If any individual who has applied for or obtained a driver’s license under this subtitle has the individual’s name changed under the common law of this State, by marriage, or by court order, the individual shall, within 30 days of the change, notify the Administration in writing of the former name and new name, and the identifying number of any license issued to the individual.

    (c)    On request of the Administration, if the name of a licensee has been changed, the licensee shall surrender his driver’s license to the Administration. After it receives the license, the Administration shall issue a corrected license in the new name.

    (d)    If a licensee is required to surrender his license to the Administration to record a change, the Administration shall issue him, without charge, a temporary license valid for not more than 20 days from the date it is issued.

    (e)    This section does not apply to an expired license.

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