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Article - Transportation


    (a)    Whether or not the person must be licensed under Part II of this subtitle, a person may not erect or maintain any outdoor sign outside the limits of any municipal corporation and within 500 feet of a State highway, unless the person has a permit issued by the Administration for that sign.

    (b)    A permit is not required under this section to erect or maintain any outdoor sign:

        (1)    That is used only to advertise the sale or lease of the property on which it is located;

        (2)    That is on or within 100 feet of any building or the entrance to any building in which the business advertised is carried on;

        (3)    That is used only to advertise:

            (i)    A Maryland historic shrine or institution; or

            (ii)    A county or church fair held in this State;

        (4)    That advertises a candidate or the support or defeat of any proposition. This sign:

            (i)    Shall comply with all provisions of the Election Law Article;

            (ii)    Shall comply with public safety requirements as set forth in § 8–716 of this subtitle;

            (iii)    Shall conform to all local restrictions and zoning requirements which are more restrictive than this section; and

            (iv)    Shall conform to the restrictions and requirements of Parts IV and V of this subtitle; or

        (5)    That is only a temporary outdoor sign that advertises the sale in season of fresh produce on property that adjoins a State highway by a person who has grown the fresh produce and who owns, rents, or has permission to sell on the property. This sign:

            (i)    Shall comply with public safety requirements as set forth in § 8–716 of this subtitle;

            (ii)    Shall conform to all local restrictions and zoning requirements that are more restrictive than this section, including any applicable time limitation;

            (iii)    Shall conform to the restrictions and requirements of Parts IV and V of this subtitle; and

            (iv)    Shall be removed or covered when produce is no longer for sale.

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