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Article - Transportation


    (a)    (1)    Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, the owner of a vehicle subject to registration under this subtitle shall apply to the Administration for the registration of the vehicle in a manner that the Administration requires.

        (2)    The application for registration of a low speed vehicle shall be made by electronic transmission under § 13-610 of this title.

    (b)    The application shall contain the information that the Administration reasonably requires to determine if the vehicle is entitled to registration.

    (c)    If a licensed dealer holds a low speed vehicle for sale and transfers the vehicle to a person other than another licensed dealer, the dealer shall:

        (1)    Obtain from the transferee a completed application;

        (2)    Collect all fees required to register the low speed vehicle under this subtitle; and

        (3)    Within 30 days of the date of delivery of the low speed vehicle, electronically transmit the application and fees in accordance with § 13-610 of this title.

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