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Statutes Text

Article - Transportation


    (a)    A person may not drive on a highway in this State any motor vehicle or combination of vehicles of a type required to be registered under Title 13 of this article, in a manner that, at any time, at any speed, or under any condition of grade, load, acceleration, or deceleration, exceeds the maximum sound level limits established under § 22-601 of this subtitle for the operation of that type of motor vehicle or combination of vehicles.

    (b)    An owner or lessee of a motor vehicle may not permit to be driven on a highway in this State any motor vehicle or combination of vehicles of a type required to be registered under Title 13 of this article, in a manner that, at any time, at any speed, or under any condition of grade, load, acceleration, or deceleration, exceeds the maximum sound level limits established under § 22-601 of this subtitle for the operation of that type of motor vehicle or combination of vehicles.

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