- Title
- State Department of Education - Translation Grant Program - Established
- Sponsored by
- Delegates Wilkins, Ali, Ebersole, Luedtke, Patterson, Turner, A. Miller, Mosby, Tarlau, A. Washington, and C. Howard
- Status
- In the Senate - Unfavorable Report by Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs
- Analysis
- Fiscal and Policy Note (Revised)
Establishing the Translation Grant Program in the State Department of Education to provide grants to county boards that are experiencing a significant number of requests to translate educational materials into a student's or parent's native language; requiring the Program to be a competitive grant program; requiring the Department to establish application procedures and supervise the use of certain funds; requiring the Governor to include at least $125,000 annually for the program beginning in fiscal year 2020; etc.
Bill File Type: Regular
Effective Date(s): July 1, 2018
Bill imposes a mandated appropriation in the annual State Budget Bill
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7-106.1 )
Last Updated: 2/3/2020 2:30 PM
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